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Category: me

Alone With Me

Alone With Me

Today was just the day I needed!  It was gray and rainy.  Not cold, but that’s okay.  And, I got to stay at home all day!  For most of the day I could hear the falling rain, its rhythm somewhat irregular but comforting nonetheless.  I was up early, made breakfast for Weber, wrote my morning pages, shared a few texts with friends, and then went back to bed for an hour.  The weather encouraged it.  My calendar allowed it.  And,…

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Time Passages

Time Passages

Yesterday marked the year anniversary of my dad’s death.  In many ways it feels like just last week rather than last year, making me painfully aware of just how quickly time flies.  When I look back at my posts here as well as my own journaling, I realize that time really is the overarching theme in my life right now, with the majority of my thoughts being about how I spend what time I have. I am definitely one of…

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Optimistic Tuesday

Optimistic Tuesday

Despite the fact that we are two weeks into fall according to the calendar, the weather here has not gotten the official word.  Temperatures are in the 90’s and the summer annuals are still in full bloom.  The oak tree has dropped a few leaves, so I am being optimistic that sometime soon fall will arive in more than name! If you are interested, here is the link to today’s Tuesday in Texas post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs.  Tracey…

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What’s Been Going On

What’s Been Going On

What the saying?  “Life is what happens while we are busy making plans.”  I made the big pronouncement that my plan was to post here regularly.  I guess the truth is that I don’t yet have enough of a trend to define “regularly” but in my head that meant almost every day if not every day.  And here it is five days since my last post.  So what’s been going on?  Lots, actually. The biggest obstacle to posting has been…

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Jumping Back In!

Jumping Back In!

The calendar says that fall will be here in two days, but for my creative self, it is spring that is dawning after a five month dormant season here.   Unlike the plants and animals who know that they need fall and winter to rest and rejuvenate, I was unaware that my spirit was longing for that time.  I have been doing other creative things, including other types of writing, but in the past few weeks, I have been hit…

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95/365-3 Gathered Together

95/365-3 Gathered Together

“Easter Afternoon” Between six church services in the past few days, dinner last night with family, and lunch this afternoon with friends, there has been much gathering together in our life over the past few days, but none of it did I photograph.  This afternoon, once Jesus was raised and all else was said and done, it was a quiet afternoon with just the two of us at home.  I managed a few shots before Weber took a nap in…

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34/365-3 Where I Stand

34/365-3 Where I Stand

“Where I Sit” Admittedly, this photo is more about where I sit. All of my standing today was in from of my classes and thus no photos during school. By the time my teaching day was over all I wanted to do was sit down and kick my shoes off. I am notoriously bad about twisting my feet around my desk chair while I’m working. And yes, I have been known to stand up too quickly (or try) and fall…

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33/365-3 Blurred Background

33/365-3 Blurred Background

“Just Love Me” We have LOTS of books at our house and they get used often to answer questions, settle arguments, and expand our minds, but there is not a single one of them that will help anyone to understand me:-) This mug was a Valentine’s Day gift before Weber and I got married. I bought it for him as kind of a warning I guess:-

31/365-3 One Done

31/365-3 One Done

“761, 25, 31,1″ This photos marks 761 days or 25 months straight of taking a photo a day.  It is photo number 31 for the 2015.  It is also the first month where I have been successful at loading all of daily photos into the Collect app on my phone.  And, I have uploaded my photos to Persnickety Prints to have my January photos printed as Project Life cards.  I am anxiously awiting their delivery!

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