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Category: marriage

141/365 A Perfect Gift

141/365 A Perfect Gift

“A Second Chance” Nothing in life is guaranteed; certainly not second chances.  But every now and then, we are surprised.  The best gift that I have received is a second chance to find love.   I pray that all of those who lost their homes and loved ones in Oklahoma on Monday will find the strength and courage to believe in second chances   I think my inclination to photograph this as a silhouette may have to do with the…

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119/365 Price

119/365 Price

“The Price of Marriage” We are going to England this summer.  Though we have been married almost three years, I have yet to change my name on my passport.  Now that I need it sooner rather than later, I’m afraid not to pay for the expedited service.  That turned out to be a pricey endeavor.  

66/365 In the Morning

66/365 In the Morning

I forgot to post this last night.  I’m not sure why my routine fell apart.  It may have had something to do with the awesome chocolate chip scone I had as an evening snack.  Brooke makes them and freezes them for me so that I can dole the scones out to myself as treats in between her visits. “A Slice of Our Mornings” After twenty years of packing lunches for the girls, my lunch packing days are over.  Weber makes…

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54/365 Framed

54/365 Framed

“I’ve Been Framed” It is amazing how much you can get done on a Saturday when you get up at 6am!  We were up early because I had a 7:30 dentist appointment.  (This appointment was original at 9, but Erin needed an emergency root canal and rather than make her get up for the early time, I swapped with her.)  After we had both endured having our mouths tromped through, we went shopping for some accessories to go with her…

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45/365 Love

45/365 Love

“Words of Love” I am not one of those people who saves every card and letter that I get, though sometimes I wish I was. It’s not that I’m not sentimental; it’s that I don’t like all of the clutter.  I know, I know, I shouldn’t consider cards clutter.  I guess I am lucky to be able to say that through my lifetime I have received so many cards and letters that I honestly don’t know what I would do…

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“Words of Wisdom” One of the nice things about teaching at the college level is that you can become friends with your students without being fired or arrested.  When this happens, I find that the learning is a two way street. One such student brought me this quote this week.  As someone who has been married longer than I have been alive,  I am going to trust her and Twain on this one!

21/365 Equal

21/365 Equal

“Equality for All” Today we celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inauguration of Barack Obama to a second term as president of the United States.  Nearly forty years after King’s great speech, it is sad that we are still striving for the same things for people in this country – equality and respect for ALL people. It is certainly fitting that today’s prompt was “equal.”  I wanted to take a picture that had some…

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Pigmented Ponderings

Pigmented Ponderings

NOTE: Every now and then someone else wants to share their thoughts here.  Before posting such things they are given fair warning that they are subjecting themselves to being guilty by association.  All appropriate waivers were signed by this most recent guest blogger before this was posted. Over the weekend of July 13-15 I had the incredible experience of being at the NOAH (National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation) Conference in St. Louis. I am not going into details here…

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Fortuities and Nuptials

Fortuities and Nuptials

I mentioned back at that end of May that I have been reading Milan Kundera’s Te Unbearable Likeness of Being.  I have not finished the book yet.  This is not because the book is not good or that I am not enjoying it but because I have way too many things that I want to be doing and not enough time to do them all.  I will finish it before I have to renew it at the library again.  The point…

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Wedding Words of Wisdom

Wedding Words of Wisdom

Sunday evening we had the pleasure and honor of attending the wedding of one of my students.  Like most weddings, if was beautiful and joyful.  The thing that made it different for us was that we were the only Caucasians in attendance.  The bride and groom are both Korean as was everyone else.. Except us.  I signed the guest book on the way in with the only signature in English.  As we took our place in the back of the…

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