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Category: marriage

298/365 From Behind

298/365 From Behind

“On the Right Track” I hit the jackpot today as far as photography goes – my favorite subject, wearing his awesome hat, on the railroad tracks and from behind.  As I read that last sentence the description starts to sound like an “adult” version of the game Clue.  I had a whole lot more fun taking pictures than I would have playing a game of Clue, trust me!  And no matter how much Weber may dislike being my subject yet…

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284/365 Red Pull

284/365 Red Pull

“Red Pull” It has been one of those weeks – full of the the normal stuff that drains my energy and a few extra things that drained all of my reserves as well.  All of this has left me exhausted and in a “not very good” mood.   I went to school with Weber this morning because I am going to be serving as a mentor for kids at his school.  I am looking forward to the opportunity and the…

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274/365 Hats Off

274/365 Hats Off

“Hats Off” I’m all for any prompt that affords me the opportunity to photograph Weber and his hat.   I think that I should be tipping my hat to him for all that he puts up with in my attempts not to miss a day of photographs.  Every night involves time spent going through the day’s pictures and selecting “the one.”  Then there is post processing.  I try to do minimal post processing but I always have to resize in…

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255/365 Details of the Day

255/365 Details of the Day

“Real Life” It doesn’t get much more real than this during the evenings at our house.  Sad, but true.  Since we both usually have work to do at night, it is nice that we share a home office.  If we didn’t, we’d never see each other!

227/365 Floating

227/365 Floating

“Two Balloons” I like both the photo and the sentiment here but it does make me laugh because, although Weber was a good sport and helped with today’s photo, I learned that he really doesn’t like balloons.  

I Sense A Theme Here

I Sense A Theme Here

On July 10th, exactly a month ago, Weber and I celebrated our third anniversary and I gave my final exam for first summer term.  While I was at school, my beloved husband was doing on his anniversary what most men do, frantically trying to wrap a gift for me.  This involved finding appropriate wrapping paper.  And so the story begins . . . We don’t have much cause for gift wrapping throughout the year because a) the majority of our…

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191/365 Ordinary Moment

191/365 Ordinary Moment

“Ordinary Anniversary” Today is our anniversary.  When asked how long we have been married, our typical response is “forty-six years but only three to each other.”  We had a short conversation about what we wanted to do to celebrate and came to the conclusion that we are pretty happy with our ordinary days and didn’t really want or feel the need to do anything special. I gave my last final exam of the summer term this morning.  Weber picked me…

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187/365 Blue Sky

187/365 Blue Sky

“Saturday Morning in Cowtown” I had to be in Fort Worth this morning at 9am for a presentation at a conference.  Though it is only thirty miles from our house to Fort Worth, the traffic and road construction between here and there often make it seem much further.  To be on the safe side, we left way early.  Since it was 7am on a Saturday morning there was virtually no traffic on the highways, which made the tangle of construction…

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171/365 Sparkle

171/365 Sparkle

“Afternoon Sparkle” Bokeh is just one of the magical things about photography.  It is an awesome effect that can transform an ordinary photo into a stunning image.  This photo is purely a technical one.  The composition, our newly blooming crepe myrtle, is nothing spectacular, but the bokeh does make the background kind of sparkle. While I was outside “playing” this afternoon, the sparkle in my rings caught my attention.  I decided to photograph this sparkle as well.   My mom…

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