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Category: marriage

59/365 Keep Going

59/365 Keep Going

“A Hug” No matter the challenges, heartache, disappointments, frustration in life, most of the time a hug will do wonders to keep you going.  As I came to the end of a busy day, a busy week, and a busy month, this was a much needed and a much appreciated hug!

50/365-2 Two

50/365-2 Two

“Two Socks” I hand knit most of our non-athletic socks.  The problem is that I often get bored after the first sock and the second one does not get knit in a timely manner.  Many people have received one sock and the promise of a second one “soon” as gifts.  Weber got sock number two of his 2012 birthday socks for Christmas in 2013.  Better late than never, right?   I have vowed to do better this year. So far,…

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47/365-2 A Visit

47/365-2 A Visit

“Sunshine” I’m a little short of inspiration today.  We had a visit from sunshine and warm temperatures – highs in  the 70’s after days earlier in the week with highs in the 20’s.  The weather is so crazy these days.  Anyway, these two decided to take advantage of a beautiful afternoon outside. An observation:  It is a weird feeling to realize that you and your husband look like the Lego mini figures and your Bitstrip avatars.  When we start to…

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45/365-2 Amore

45/365-2 Amore

“Real Love” Over the years I’ve written some rather cynical posts on Valentine’s Day.  I still find it kind of an odd “holiday” to celebrate.  We should show our affection for those we love every day.  Though there is a piece of me that is a hopeless romantic, I am not one who wants chocolate and roses on Valentine’s Day.  So what did we do? After school we did the normal Friday evening shopping run to Sams for the girls’…

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35/365-2 Heartwarming

35/365-2 Heartwarming

“Warm Hand, Warm Heart” I have discovered that I really love black and white and monochromatic photos.  Most of the time when I convert a photo from color it is for artistic reasons.  This one, though I think the red filter adds to the effect of the image, had to be converted out of necessity.  I shot it rather hastily after we got home from school.  Weber had on a red and white plaid shirt.  I had on an orange…

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3.365 – 2 Winter Sports

3.365 – 2 Winter Sports

“A Good Sport” I had to deviate slightly from the daily prompt and go with an image of a good sport rather than a winter sport.  Texas is not a place that makes for fun winter sports.  Though we often get the cold, if it is accompanied by any precipitation at all, the result is usually a nasty ice storm rather than a beautiful soft snowfall. My personal winter “sport” of choice is knitting, though I must admit that it…

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327/365 Grateful for Imperfect Moments

327/365 Grateful for Imperfect Moments

‘It Will Take Two” Winter has finally hit Dallas!  We spent the morning running errands.  Despite the chilly temperatures, we decided that when we got home we try to take a few pictures of us together.  This is always tricky interns of camera settings and focus, kind of like the selfies.  Today it was more than tricky; it was pretty much a disaster. I’m not sure what my problem was, but my camera and I definitely were not one with…

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316/365 Grateful for Simple Pleasures

316/365 Grateful for Simple Pleasures

“Perfect Match” Someone who loves me left me a treat on my computer keyboard when I stepped away for a minute.  I had a lot to do tonight and was a bit on the stressed side.  It is not necessarily a pretty thing when I am trying to do too many things (like more than one) at a time.  I get grouchy.  It is very possible that this gift left for me was really an act of self preservation.  A…

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