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Category: marriage

167/365-2 Mobile Home

167/365-2 Mobile Home

“Pizza Not At Home” They say , “Home is where the heart is.”  My heart is with this guy.  He is mobile.  That makes him a mobile home, right? Okay,  I came up empty handed regarding today’s prompt.  We went out for pizza tonight and this is as good as today’s photos got.  Let’s just say that the pizza was a whole lot better than any of the pictures that I took today.

152/365-2 Ritual

152/365-2 Ritual

“Choose Joy” By definition, rituals consist of two things – an ordered set of actions and a sacred element. There are many things in my life that are an ordered set of actions but aren’t necessarily sacred; I think of these more as habits. And then there are those things that are sacred but are not necessarily ordered. Choosing joy is one of those things. Joy is not always easy to see, but it is always there, even in our moments…

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149/365-2 A Vision of Safety

149/365-2 A Vision of Safety

“A Man, A Plan, A Hat” We are wrapping up May and Healthy Vision Month.  Today’s reference to safety was directed towards eye safety and the importance of wearing sunglasses.  Weber is very good about wearing his sunglasses.  He also is good about wearing his hat in the winter to keep his bald head warm and in the summer to keep it from getting sunburned.  I, on the other hand, should wear a hat and sunglasses all the time, but…

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116/365-2 Thoughtful

116/365-2 Thoughtful

“Thoughtful” Today was a good day.  We slept until 9:00, making up from the three hours of sleep the night before. We had a leisurely breakfast and talked with my dad for awhile.  He had a friend coming over so we made a quick trip to the outlet mall and the grocery store.  After bringing the groceries home, we walked up to town and I did a little more shopping while Weber people watched from a bench outside.  He did…

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101/365-2 Cling/Hug

101/365-2 Cling/Hug

“Tree Hugger” If I had been born a few years earlier I would have made one heck of a hippie except maybe for the drugs part.  Instead, I guess I’m just a tree hugger.   I needed to get today’s photo taken this afternoon because we had plans for this evening.   The only things around to hug were the dogs and the cat.  I knew that there was no way that I could get a shot of even one…

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100/365-2 A Perfect Duo

100/365-2 A Perfect Duo

“Grow Old Along With Me” Today’s photo was supposed to be food photography, a perfect food duo.  If I had done that, my shot would have been pizza and beer, which is indeed a perfect duo; however,  we ate late tonight so the light would have been no good.  And, there is nothing more unattractive than poorly lit food.  Bad food photography is the absolute worst kind of bad photography.   If you think a little outside the box, this…

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99/365-2 Makes Me Smile

99/365-2 Makes Me Smile

“Makes Me Smile” I am blessed to have many things, situations and people in my life that make me smile most days.  This guy makes me smile 24/7; he can make me smile even when I am convinced there is not much to be smiling about.

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