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Category: marriage

312/365-2 Interesting Light

312/365-2 Interesting Light

“Us In November” Today’s photo was supposed to be a portrait using interesting light.  Truthfully, I was uninspired.  There is not much creativity here and there certainly isn’t any interesting light. Each month I have attempted to take a photograph of each of the girls and one of Weber and me together.  Amidst the chaos of the month of October, I didn’t get a photo of us, so today was the day.  Everyone has to break the rules every now…

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273/365-2 Late

273/365-2 Late

“Too Late for Lunch” Today came and went and I barely noticed.  I was at school by 6:45 this morning and went all day long and then came home and went some more.  I missed sunrise.  I missed sunset.  I missed most of my lunch half hour.  And, if this photo had been taken any later, it would have qualified as being early.  As it is, it is very, very late! I’m going to bed! 

250/365-2 Atmosphere

250/365-2 Atmosphere

“With My Favorite Somebody” Because my photo from Saturday was “off-prompt”,  I got a little turned around with the daily prompts.  This photo is actually yesterday’s self portrait that was supposed to be taken with someone else in the frame with me.  I am committed to the monthly self portraits so I decided to forego today’s prompt of atmosphere or ambiance.  Or maybe this works for both prompts and I can kill two birds with one stone.  Whichever, I have…

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239/365-2 2 Of A Kind

239/365-2 2 Of A Kind

“Hermits Unite!” The “Hermits Unite!” motto has been ours since we got married.  Though we laugh at it now, it represents some difficult choices that we made five years ago.  I am happy to say that I have never doubted those choices.

219/365-2 Summertime Beverage

219/365-2 Summertime Beverage

“Every Little Drop” Today was one of those days where, in my head, I could see clearly the shot that I wanted.  This isn’t it.  Unfortunately the means to getting that shot was not nearly as clear to me.  So this is what there is.  

207/365-2 July Portrait – Silhouette

207/365-2 July Portrait – Silhouette

“Sunshine On His Shoulders” It is a good thing that today’s portrait was supposed to be a silhouette.  I’m not sure my subject was thrilled with having to model today so hiding his facial expression was probably a good thing.  But look!  God gave him a halo for his efforts.  Most of the time he is a pretty good sport and for that I am extremely grateful.

204/365-2 The Number 3

204/365-2 The Number 3

“Three Is Company” I forgot to post this yesterday…probably because I was not happy with the results.  I had a vision of how I wanted this shot to look and I just couldn’t make it happen.  Oh well… The shirt sums up perfectly how things roll at our house.  It is even funnier because Weber bought this T-shirt on our honeymoon when we visited Dog Mountain.  From day one the dog has been in charge.

201/365-2 July Where I Stand: Heatwave

201/365-2 July Where I Stand: Heatwave

‘Standing Together” After an unstructured afternoon, we enjoyed a short arm walk through the park this evening before dinner.  The cool (for Texas in July) temperatures of the last few days are gone but it was still nice to get out and enjoy some fresh air.  We discovered a new picnic spot to try once it is not so hot outside.

195/365-2 An Old Bridge

195/365-2 An Old Bridge

“Not Leaving On A Jet Plane” I am a firm believer in bloom where you are planted, even if that means that you are expected to grow and bloom in conditions that are less than ideal.  This philosophy made our travels home from San Diego quite pleasurable when others might have been seriously frustrated and angry. We left San Diego Monday afternoon on a 4:15 flight to Dallas with a connection in Phoenix.  The first leg of our journey, San…

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