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Category: marriage

Our Seventh Anniversary

Our Seventh Anniversary

  Yesterday, July 10, Weber and I celebrated our seventh anniversary.  Sometimes it feels like we were just married yesterday and then there are times that I can’t remember my life without him..  The geek in me particularly loved this anniversary because it’s date is a palindrome,, 7-10-17.  This is a once in a lifetime occurrence…unless we live to be 155 and 160.  So how did we celebrate? A few weeks ago Weber and I started asking each other what…

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A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

A Vase, Photoshop, and Rumi

Today’s Capture Your 365 photo prompt was color.  I love color!  This should have been so easy for me.  I am discovering though, that the prompts whose subjects are those about which I feel deeply connected are the one’s that are most difficult for me.  I suspect that I over think them. I finally decided that i would buy some colorful flowers this afternoon at the grocery store and photograph them in a colorful hand blown glass vase that Weber…

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39/365-3 Pink

39/365-3 Pink

“Believe in Pink” “I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn 

33/365-3 Blurred Background

33/365-3 Blurred Background

“Just Love Me” We have LOTS of books at our house and they get used often to answer questions, settle arguments, and expand our minds, but there is not a single one of them that will help anyone to understand me:-) This mug was a Valentine’s Day gift before Weber and I got married. I bought it for him as kind of a warning I guess:-

20/365-3 Trio / Triptych

20/365-3 Trio / Triptych

“Stability” I am focused on this week’s overarching photo theme of balance. Weber is pretty good about talking sense into me when I am way off base, he’ll hold my hand to keep me from straying too far off the path, and he’ll stand with me to help me stay grounded. Trust me, all of that is hard work! As classes started today with my ridiculous teaching load and I am still in the midst of settling my dad’s affairs,…

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5/365-2 Ensemble

5/365-2 Ensemble

“A Duo of Duos” It’s bad enough when people start looking like their dogs, or couples start looking like each other…but when a couple starts looking like Lego mini figures????  Scary stuff.

364/365-2 Cozy Indulgence

364/365-2 Cozy Indulgence

“Birthday Indulgence” Today I could either get cozy or indulgence, but they didn’t both happen at the same time.  I decided to go with just indulgence because it made for a much better picture! Having a birthday so close to Christmas, like anything, has advantages and disadvantages.  This year the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages because I got a new lens on both occasions – not a joint gift, but actually two lenses!  I freely admit that this is a…

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344/365-2 Peace

344/365-2 Peace

“Holding On to Peace” Here is the scenario: Still no tree up here, trying to grade exams before a rehearsal tonight, already photographed my favorite peace ornament a few days ago. Lonely ornament laying on the kitchen counter, hubby walks in from school wearing a Christmassy plaid flannel shirt, my camera is also on the counter. “Here. Hold this. Come with me.” Snap! Let there be peace in our household.

331/365-2 Give Thanks for Family

331/365-2 Give Thanks for Family

“Him and His Coffee” When your day begins with a cup of coffee this big, you have to think hard about whether or not there is anything else for which to be thankful:-) I am thankful to wake up and share every morning with him and his coffee.

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