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Category: love

Our Seventh Anniversary

Our Seventh Anniversary

  Yesterday, July 10, Weber and I celebrated our seventh anniversary.  Sometimes it feels like we were just married yesterday and then there are times that I can’t remember my life without him..  The geek in me particularly loved this anniversary because it’s date is a palindrome,, 7-10-17.  This is a once in a lifetime occurrence…unless we live to be 155 and 160.  So how did we celebrate? A few weeks ago Weber and I started asking each other what…

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Where I Stand

Where I Stand

Every month, the Capture Your 365 photo prompts include this one – “Where I Stand.”  I have pictures of my bare feet, my sock covered feet, my feet in comfy shoes, funky shoes, and dressy shoes.  Throughtout these photos I can be seen with my feet curled around the base of my desk chair, propped up on the couch relaxing, standing side by side with the one I love, on rocks and mountains,  close to home, and faraway.  Each photo…

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