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Category: life

27/365-3 Nourishment

27/365-3 Nourishment

“Body, Mind, and Spirit” It is important to make sure body, mind, and spirit are all well-nourished.  This was taken on a beautiful 80 degree afternoon…in January!  There is something wrong with that, but I’m not complaining.

20/365-3 Trio / Triptych

20/365-3 Trio / Triptych

“Stability” I am focused on this week’s overarching photo theme of balance. Weber is pretty good about talking sense into me when I am way off base, he’ll hold my hand to keep me from straying too far off the path, and he’ll stand with me to help me stay grounded. Trust me, all of that is hard work! As classes started today with my ridiculous teaching load and I am still in the midst of settling my dad’s affairs,…

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18/365-3 Balance

18/365-3 Balance

“Balance and Sacrifice” We are in Delaware going through all of the stuff in my dad’s house. It was my grandparents so there is two generations and then some of family “stuff” here. I am trying to make decisions about what to keep for me and for my girls, what to donate, what to auction, and what to get rid of. I am doing my best to be realistic about what we can use and what we have room for…

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15/365-3 First Taste

15/365-3 First Taste

“Sunshine and Steps” Today was the first day that we have had a taste of sunshine in many days.  It is also the first day that I have ventured out for a “real” walk since before Christmas when I broke my leg.  It was so nice to get outside in some fresh, though brisk, air and get some exercise.  I so enjoyed my walk to the grocery store.  My leg was not as happy as the rest of me, but…

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13/365-3 A Pop of Color

13/365-3 A Pop of Color

“Brooke’s Tea Cup” A struggled with this particular prompt.  A wandered around all day looking for something white with a pop of color.  After several uninspired attempts at just photographing “something” that resulted in epic fails, I was about to give up when I turned around and spotted Brooke’s dirty tea cup on the kitchen counter.  Most of the time the fact that how the dishwasher works seems to elude my 25 year old daughter, tonight it worked to my…

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9/365-3 Multifaceted

9/365-3 Multifaceted

“Welcome Home!” As is evidenced by the fact that it is now Saturday and this is Friday;s post, I was short on time, as well as inspiration and creativity, yesterday.  There wasn’t anything really major going on, just a lot of little things that managed to eat away at t my time – mentoring, conference calls, a few chores, playing for a service last night.  It is one of those cases where the sum of the parts seems greater than…

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8/365-3 My Gear

8/365-3 My Gear

“The Write Stuff” By education and profession I am a musician (clarinetist and professor of music theory and composition). And obviously photography is a much loved hobby. But it is really the pencil that is the most important piece of gear I own. I use it to write music, to make performance markings, to take notes of all kinds, to journal, to underline important things in photography books and manuals. That pencil is truly the key to my success in…

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