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Category: Lego

96/365-3 Bunch

96/365-3 Bunch

“A Bunch of Good Advice” I love it when the wisdom that I need in that moment comes to me while capturing my daily photo.  This little monkey is my inspiration for today.

45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

February seems to have whizzed by and I have no idea where it has gone!  All month I have been making lists of things that I need to do and I have actually crossed a goodly number of them off, but it seems that I am adding new things faster than I am removing accomplished tasks and the lists continues to grow.  The good news in all of this is that I have gotten a lot done, both things that…

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21/365-2 Play or Meal?

21/365-2 Play or Meal?

Geodesic Gnome Dome Food photography is not my forte.  And, I am a firm believer that bad food photography is the worst kind of bad photography.  Every time a prompt surfaces that involves food, I tend to think, think, rethink, and overthink…as was the case today.  To make matters worse, today’s prompt implied that the food shot should be a clever…oh great. I thought about it for awhile.  The picture below is my response.  It is a take on something…

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12/365-3 Frost

12/365-3 Frost

“Fire and Ice” Though it was chilly today, it was not chilly enough for frost so I had to go a different route with today’s prompt. With sincere apologies to Robert Frost, here is my silly illustration of his poem Fire and Ice. Some say the world will end in fire; Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for…

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5/365-2 Ensemble

5/365-2 Ensemble

“A Duo of Duos” It’s bad enough when people start looking like their dogs, or couples start looking like each other…but when a couple starts looking like Lego mini figures????  Scary stuff.

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