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Category: laughs

149/365 A Smile

149/365 A Smile

“A Family That Smiles Together . . . .” Today was a great day to capture smiles at our house.  Brooke is home with us to stay.  Yah!  We spent her first day back shopping and eating.  What better way to celebrate a homecoming?  Before Erin and Edgar headed off to work this evening, all three of the kids agreed to help me out with today’s prompt.  It was even fairly easy to get Brooke in front of the camera….

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148/365 State the Obvious

148/365 State the Obvious

“Warning, Warning, Warning!? Who knew that making that morning cup of coffee could be so dangerous?  Not one, but two warnings alerting me to the presence of sharp needles.  I never would have guessed that it took something sharp to poke the holes in the otherwise sealed K-cup to allow the water to be forced through.  And, oh my gosh, I never would have expected that it would take very hot water to make my intentional very hot coffee.  Ya…

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114/365 Mobile

114/365 Mobile

“Table Manners” I don’t usually have my camera with me at the dinner table.  I also don’t usually look across the table at dinner to see a set of feline ears staring at me from the chair across from me.  I did have my phone in my pocket and was able to snap this picture.  I’m terrible at phone photography and I haven’t spent much time playing with all the photography apps that are available.  I already don’t have enough…

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106/365 Pie or Pile

106/365 Pie or Pile

Pie of Berries and Pile of Berries” At the beginning of each month Katrina Kennedy of Capture Your 365 publishes the list of prompts for each day of the month.  Then, each day she sends an inspirational email with photo tips of tidbits of inspiration.  I had been looking forward to the “pie” prompt all month since we have our family baker at home with us.  When Katrina’s email came this morning, she said that she had actually intended for…

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23/365 Snuggle

23/365 Snuggle

“Just Trying to Help!” I know that I am very lucky that Weber is so supportive of my crazy obsession commitment to take a picture every day.  I didn’t realize that the dogs, too, were on that bandwagon. Today is my longest day of the week – school until 4:30 (though I got out a little early since today was the first day of my MW classes) and then choir rehearsal tonight.  I knew that I was going to be hard-pressed…

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Welcoming 2013

Welcoming 2013

We are having a night of fun, food, family, friends and games at home tonight.  The girls are here with some friends and we had Erin’s birthday dinner that she was too sick to enjoy on the 23rd. Earlier today I decided that is was time to do a little housekeeping – get rid of 2012’s dirt so that there is room for the new that 2013 will surely bring.  When things were clean, we were all hungry but didn’t…

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A Scary Story

A Scary Story

It was a dark and stormy night . . . and . . . Oh wait, that is the wrong scary story!   Let’s try this again. It was the middle of a sunny but crisp October afternoon, just ten days before our next presidential election.  I was at home making chili and butternut squash bread to take to a Halloween party later that evening.  Weber had a few errands to run.  While he was out, he decided that he would…

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One Cannot Live By Bread Alone

One Cannot Live By Bread Alone

One also needs a cat! We shared a simple Easter meal for nine at our house. Simple means that we had black bean soup, chicken tortilla soup, a fresh green salad and warm homemade bread. That is about all we could muster after our Holy Week and Easter obligations at church. The weather turned dismal about the time everyone was on their way here. This delayed their arrival by a while. I tried to have everything ready so that we…

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