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Category: knitting

320/365 Grateful for Color

320/365 Grateful for Color

“Colors in the Wind” This is the status of my Christmas knitting.  It is probably in this particular state because I was taking pictures of the yarn rather than knitting with the yarn.  Apparently I have a problem with priorities.  But the colors sure are pretty all clumped together.  Maybe I can give ‘Do-It-Yourself Hat, Scarf, Slipper  Kits”  to everyone.  

297/365 With Stripes

297/365 With Stripes

“Good for the Sole” My funky striped hand-knit socks are the first things that come to my mind when I think about stripes.   I don’t have much of a personal style except for my socks. They are like a smile on my feet.  How can you not be happy when you are wearing brightly colored hand-knit socks?   I am always surprised by the fact that my students notice my socks and ask about them.  Over the years, I have…

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123/365 Orange

123/365 Orange

“A Few Of My Favorite Things” Because orange is my favorite color, I had lots of possibilities for today’s picture.  It was hard to decide which direction to go.  I finally decided to go with an image of several of my favorite things – the color orange, oranges and yarn with which to knit.

82/365 Texture

82/365 Texture

“Putting A Wrap On Spring” Despite the fact that the calendar says that it is spring, it was a little chilly today.  That must be what caused an urge in me to start knitting a wrap; that, and I found a cool pattern and yarn for said pattern.  Also, I am still dealing with my weeklong cold.  Having a simple project to work on while I rest in the recliner and watch documentaries with Weber makes me feel at least…

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24/365 Cold

24/365 Cold

“One Down, One To Go” I would be lying if I said that I did not struggle with today’s picture.  A prompt of “cold” when it was 78 degrees, three degrees shy of an all-time record high in Dallas today, is tough.  The best I could do was a shot of the socks that I am working on.  The first one is done; hopefully number two will be done before our next cold streak.  Weber will be happy to have…

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19/365 Bright

19/365 Bright

“Brightly Colored Socks” I’m not sure that I had the right take on bright; I suspect that it was intended to have more to do with light than with color.  Oh well . . . Things don’t get much brighter than these socks.  I hand-dyed the yarn and then knit the socks.  They are some of my favorites!

Obsessive Knitting

Obsessive Knitting

It’s not Christmas or any one’s birthday but I have spent a lot of time knitting over the last couple of weeks – at least a lot of time for me.  I don’t have as much time to play with my sticks and string as I would like.  But as I said, over the last two weeks I have been knitting obsessively.  We’ve eaten out every breakfast, lunch and dinner for two weeks, worn the same pair of socks and…

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Nothing Beets A Good Friend!

Nothing Beets A Good Friend!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the fact that I had beets that I didn’t know how to cook and was fairly sure that I wouldn’t like them even if I did know how to cook them. I asked for suggestions from any of you who may have a better relationship with beets than I do. As is usually the case when I make such pleas, at least one of you always comes through. This time it is a…

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What’s Missing?

What’s Missing?

When I was redesigned my blog, I debated with myself as to whether I should change the description of what I do here from “musing on the life of a teacher, mother, writer, knitter, human being.”  My role as a mother has changed since I began writing my blog, but I am still a mother.  Fortunately for my children, they have moved on to college and beyond and no longer serve as an unending source of material for posts.   Though…

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