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Category: knitting

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

Sailing Toward Sixty #7 – What’s Up With the Weather?

So what’s up with old, older, old-ish, people over fifty and their fascination, or maybe it’s an outright obsession, with the weather? When my dad retired from the Navy, my parents moved back to their home state of Delaware where, at the time, my grandmother still lived.  Almost every evening from 1985 until 2012 when my grandmother passed away, my dad, the the dutiful son, would call his mother to check on her.  Inevitably, the conversation always began with, “How’s the weather over…

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A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!    – Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus” (1883),  written onThe Statue of Liberty   After I wrote earlier about the things I did and didn’t do during my summer freedom, my dear friend Joni reminded me that I did knit a lot over the summer.  She…

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Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes, more boxes Of papers and photographs. Flawed memories. KEB 1/3/17 For a year and a half all of the boxes of “stuff” that I brought home from my dad’s house have been sitting in our guest room.  Well sitting may be too kind a word.  Crammed is more appropriate.  It is fair to say that anyone who ventured into that room would have needed a golden clew, like that of Ariadne, to make their way out of the labyrinth…

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118/365-2 The Number Four

118/365-2 The Number Four

“Four Inches” I had hoped that on our trip home from Delaware we would either depart or arrive at a gate with the number 4 in it or that our seats would be in a row with a 4.  No such luck.   After I got myself squared away for school this week, I sought something for today’s photo.  Fresh out of ideas and inspiration,  I was counting on the muse and the muse seemed to have already gone to…

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66/365-2 Frustrated

66/365-2 Frustrated

“O NO NOT A KNOT” As of now I am officially on spring break so today has been a good day, nothing particularly frustrating at all. I almost feel guilty posting this picture as really the most frustrating event of the day was knots in my yarn. The truth is that I am quite patient with many mundane and tedious things, but untangling yarn is not one of them. This is a bad thing for someone who is an avid…

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50/365-2 Two

50/365-2 Two

“Two Socks” I hand knit most of our non-athletic socks.  The problem is that I often get bored after the first sock and the second one does not get knit in a timely manner.  Many people have received one sock and the promise of a second one “soon” as gifts.  Weber got sock number two of his 2012 birthday socks for Christmas in 2013.  Better late than never, right?   I have vowed to do better this year. So far,…

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22/365-2 Eight

22/365-2 Eight

‘Size 8″ I am short on time and inspiration today.  Since we seem to have no resident octopus, the best I could do in only few minutes this afternoon at photographing the number eight was a picture of the size 8 knitting needle I’m using in one of my current projects.  Lame, I know, but at least I took a photo.  

3.365 – 2 Winter Sports

3.365 – 2 Winter Sports

“A Good Sport” I had to deviate slightly from the daily prompt and go with an image of a good sport rather than a winter sport.  Texas is not a place that makes for fun winter sports.  Though we often get the cold, if it is accompanied by any precipitation at all, the result is usually a nasty ice storm rather than a beautiful soft snowfall. My personal winter “sport” of choice is knitting, though I must admit that it…

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333/365 Grateful for Legacy

333/365 Grateful for Legacy

“Buttons” It’s funny where the mind goes when you think of legacy.  My first thought was to cookbooks.  Though I don’t have any of my mother’s cookbooks, I do have some recipe cards that she made for me that are in her handwriting.  I also have Weber’s mother’s cookbook, the one with all of the handwritten favorites on scraps of paper and those recipes cut from packages, magazines and newspapers.  Every family has a cookbook like this.  They are treasures…

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