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Category: kids

Mother’s Day 2008

Mother’s Day 2008

Life tends to place a great deal of emphasis on “firsts”. Though I don’t really remember it, I’m sure my first Mother’s Day was a monumental occasions. When I was pregnant with Erin, Mother’s Day began a nine month period of tossing my cookies. And over the years, each of the girls as made me gifts at school, many of which still occupy places of prominence in my office. But this Mother’s Day may be the best yet. I think…

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Higher Education

Higher Education

Well, I have made it through another semester. As of 11:17 yesterday, I am a free woman – until I start getting all those complaints from students who are not happy with their grades. “Why did YOU GIVE ME a C?”“It was a gift. I could have given you the F you deserve.”“I was not failing your class.”“No, not until you turned it the paper of which 80% was copied and pasted from Wikipedia.”“But I worked hard on that paper….

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Text Message

Text Message

I have reluctantly joined the text messaging generation. I still think that if you need to say something to another person, it is best to dial the phone and speak to them; but, over the past year or so, I have had to admit that there are times when a text message is the best means of communication. Personally, I have about a one message limit. It takes me forever to type a message and that is with no punctuation…

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