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Category: kids

What Mom Really Wants

What Mom Really Wants

For the past couple of weeks the newspaper, TV, radio, and every business who has my email address has been telling me what mom really wants for Mother’s Day. According to Amazon mom wants a Kindle.According to Barnes and Noble she wants a Nook.According to Apple she wants the New iPad.According to Ross she wants a blouse and a purse.According to Kroger and FTD she wants flowers.According to Victoria’s Secret she wants lingerie.According to Staples she wants printer cartridges.According to…

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The Graduate

The Graduate

We spent last weekend in Chicago attending the graduation of Offspring No. 1. The University of Chicago does everything with much pomp and circumstance. On Friday evening they hosted a champagne reception at the Museum of Science and Industry. The Convocation, conferring of degrees and awarding of diplomas consumed most of the day Saturday. We spent approximately six hours outside in folding chairs – and rain and 50 degree temperatures. I must say that I would much rather spend six…

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One for the Baby Book

One for the Baby Book

When your kid is twenty-one, you usually aren’t still thinking of firsts that warrant recording in one’s baby book. Many of the firsts that happen at this point in life are best left undocumented first week subsisting entirely on rice and beans first all-nighter first bounced check first time filing your own taxes first hangover first time buying beer legally first . . . Then there is the first cable. No, not cable as in TV, knitted cable. My freshly…

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Welcome To Adulthood

Welcome To Adulthood

Today is June 9, 2010. How did that happen? Only a few days ago it was December 23rd . . .1992 and I was giving birth to my youngest daughter. And now, somehow she is five days beyond her high school graduation. My baby graduated as a co-valedictorian of her high school class. She looked so grown up and confident when she was standing in the middle of the huge college coliseum addressing her classmates and their families. Again I…

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Despite the often quite vocal pleas for independence, here is proof that teenagers still want to be our babies. No matter how old or how big they get, we will always remember them as being our babies. Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Prom Night

Prom Night

Tonight is prom night. Tuxes have been rented, hair and make-up have been done. Dinner reservations have been made. A boutonniere was ordered – but Erin forgot to pick it up. Oh well, the night will go on. And, pictures have been taken . . . . . . and they have headed off for their big night. I expect them, and several others, back at the house sometime after midnight to continue the adventure of prom night. I’m glad…

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Prom Time

Prom Time

Weber and I are slowly getting our act together for the wedding. Erin has a dress. That is the mot important thing according to our wedding planner – Erin. I have a dress. Erin helped me pick it out and we are both happy with it. I kind of remember what it looks like. I just need to be conscious of how many Hershey’s kisses I eat between now and the wedding. I don’t remember all the details of the…

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I Can Too Live On Bread Alone!

I Can Too Live On Bread Alone!

We have all known a child who can’t sleep on Christmas Eve because he or she is waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus and his eight tiny reindeer. For that child, the night is endless – lying in bed wide awake for what seems like hours to discover that only nine and a half minutes have passed; tip-toeing down the hall to find mom and dad still awake and wondering when they will go to bed so that Santa…

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All In A Day

All In A Day

Three and half years ago I decided that I was going to start writing a blog. I’ don’t really remember why I made that decision since, as is evidenced by the title of my first post, I thought that bloggers were kind of egocentric. Who wants to read all of the drivel of my daily life. Despite those feelings, I started writing and posting anyway. I have fun writing and I know that there are a few of you out…

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Like Mother, Like Daughter

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Brooke got home for the Christmas break last Saturday. She is just now starting to emerge from that end of the semester haze that results from the adrenaline let down of finishing exams and the sobering up from the parties after the adrenaline let down of final exams. Today she was in the kitchen planning her baking attack for the next few weeks and putting the finishing touches on her Christmas gift buying. I was cleaning the kitchen. As I…

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