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Category: kids

153/365 Converted

153/365 Converted

“Let Me Entertain You” All the kids were here for dinner tonight.  I didn’t have to cook a thing!  I did, however, have to clean the kitchen, but I would have had to do that if I had cooked so it worked out well. In the process of the evening’s discussion, Offspring No. 2, who works in childcare, was ranting about how kids these days can’t entertain themselves for more than thirty seconds at a time.  The girls were remembering…

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146/365 In the Kitchen

146/365 In the Kitchen

“A Clean Kitchen:” Today’s prompt asked us to focus on what goes on in the kitchen – food being prepared, consumed or just displayed.  As you can see, nothing is going on in our kitchen today; that is the point of my photo.  At this moment, the kitchen is clean.  There is nothing being prepared, cooked or eaten.  This is definitely not its normal state.  Though it is usually clean with regard to sanitation standards (except for an occasional cat…

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132/365 A Mother’s Gift

132/365 A Mother’s Gift

“O” Joy We got back into to town Sunday afternoon in time to stop by the house, unload the car from our weekend away and then head to Resounding Harmony rehearsal. So, our Mother’s Day was more of an observation than a celebration. The girls stayed at the house and animal sat while we were gone. That is a huge gift – no boarding; that makes us and the animals very happy. They also cleaned out and organized both the…

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103/365 Feature

103/365 Feature

“Yes, It’s Natural” It’s that time of the month again.  No, no THAT time, although I hate it almost as much.  Today was the day for April’s self-portrait.  This month we were supposed to focus on a specific feature of ourselves.  I asked Weber what I should do.  His first suggestion was one for which the photos would have been inappropriate for a public blog.  The alternative was my hair. When you have hair the color of mine it becomes a…

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Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter is an exhausting time for church musicians!  Last week, I sang for seven services and we had an evening of rehearsal,  Come Sunday afternoon, I was super tired.  We did have a fun but fairly low-key Easter celebration.  Fortunately, I was not responsible for much of the cooking. Brooke flew home last week to surprise Erin.  Erin went to church with us at noon on Friday and then we went to lunch.  This is when we surprised her, though…

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90/365 Basket

90/365 Basket

“Egg Game 2103” I have many pictures from our Easter Day together.  My intent is to write a longer post about our day, but I am too tired to do it tonight.  I will write and post about it tomorrow.   This picture is from the playing of “the egg game.”  From left to right the hands are Brooke, Erin, Edgar, Edgar’s mom, and his little brother.  Weber, Jason and I were slow to get our hands in the eggs…

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46/365 Pride

46/365 Pride

“Pride and Awareness” Erin, Edgar Weber and I (and anyone else who would like to join us) have formed a team to walk for the North Texas Walk for Lupus on March 30.  Erin is ready to start soliciting sponsors.  I’m proud to have her on my team every day!

33/365 A Shadow

33/365 A Shadow

“Flying” I am envious of many of the folks on the Capture Your 365 forum because they have little ones at home to provide endless photo opportunities.  So when Erin came over with her rollerblades, I decided to take advantage of the situation and grab my camera.   Though the shadow is not the predominant feature in this picture, I love the angle that it creates with her body.  In fact, this image is all about angles.  I shot this…

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Did You Know?

Did You Know?

Brooke and Frankie have had a special relationship since Frankie was just a wee little kitten. Yarn should be a big “no-no” for kittens unless of course your big sister thinks it is funny for you to have a mouth full of mom’s yarn. While Brooke was home over Thanksgiving, their bond became even stronger. They worked the crossword puzzle together every morning, cooked together (I know, the health department might have a problem with this), watched movies and surfed…

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Out of the Mouths of Babes

Out of the Mouths of Babes

This is September 6th which means that last Friday was August 31st, the last day of the month, the day that I have been posting my monthly Five Fabulous Finds. I know that I missed that August deadline; i knew it then. I tried to ignore this pesky little fact. For almost a week I was successful at this. Then reality struck back. I received a text message from my baby girl saying, “You missed your August Five Fabulous Finds.”…

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