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Category: kids

271/365 In Disguise

271/365 In Disguise

“Whatever…” There is no disguise here, but the prompt also suggested the use of props and being goofy.  I think we got that:-)  The jury is still out on whether the “whatever” is intended for the person on the other end of the phone or me for pointing the camera at her yet again.  I’m fairly sure I know what the verdict is.  Whatever…

253/365 Around the House

253/365 Around the House

“The Evidence” So, the girls have started a business of a weekly bread baking and delivery service.  I am proud of their entrepreneurial spirit.  Weber and I have become investors in this new venture – it is all taking place in our kitchen.  Therefore, we are “underwriting” their “rent” and utilities.  Last week was their first week to deliver bread.  Though they are still fine tuning the workflow, it was a relatively successful opening week. This week’s photo prompts are…

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244/365 Everywhere A Sign

244/365 Everywhere A Sign

“Not Your Kid’s S’mores” For some time we have been wanting to have a get together at the house.  It has but put off several times in hopes that all of the renovations would be finished.  We are not quite there, but close enough that we decided to go ahead with it tonight.  This seemed like a good way to begin the new school year. it was fiesta time – empanadas, tacos, refried beans, corn,slaw and homemade salsa and guacamole….

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241/365 Fashion Statement

241/365 Fashion Statement

“Hell on Heels” We have already established here that I have no fashion sense.  Clothes at best are a necessity and are at worst an encumbrance.  Therefore, I knew that I was going to be searching for a willing participant to help me with today’s photo.  Brooke is definitely the one in our family who uses clothing to make a statement. We always kid her about her shoes.  She already towers over all of us by a couple of inches…

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228/365 Eye Catching

228/365 Eye Catching

“Bowled Over” It is hard to believe that the new school year is about to begin.  Weber goes back to school Monday; I am free until Thursday.  Either way, it seems too soon.  We spent our last day of weekday freedom accomplishing a couple of errands that are definitely no fun on the weekend. Since Brooke is now home with us, we have had to do some re-arranging and re-organizing around here to make room for her and, more importantly,…

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224/365 Play

224/365 Play

“Serious Play” It was way too hot here today for any outdoor play.  Even Adidas did not want to go outside and play with his frisbee.  I possibly could have bribed Harley and the cat to engage in a little rough housing, but to photograph just a moment of their antics looks a whole lot more serious than it really is.  I didn’t want any calls from the SPCA about the cat abusing the dog.  So, Erin became the lucky…

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221/365 Dress to Impress

221/365 Dress to Impress

“Overdressed?” I’m so glad that today’s prompt of “dress to impress” was not this month’s self portrait! Dressing to impress is definitely not my thing. My daughter, however, is always willing to dress or perhaps overdress. Today doing her daily bread baking chore, she was moI‘mre “dressed” than I get most days – for anything. I have often said to my girls, “I don’t wear outfits; I wear clothes.” Dressing is purely functional. Bottom line: I want to be comfortable.

194/365 Stacked

194/365 Stacked

Rather than today’s picture of the day being the first in the series as is usually the case here, today it will be the last one.  You’ll have to make it through this series of pictures, imagining some missing parts, to fully appreciate the ending.Once upon a time there was a panicked bride.  On the Wednesday before the Saturday she was getting married, the source for her wedding cake informed her that she would not be able to make her…

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188/365 Seven

188/365 Seven

“Order Number 7” Offspring No. 1 is the least helpful of my family members when it comes to being the subject of one of my pictures of the day.  Today she had no choice.  We went out for dinner and our order number was seven.  Because she is not in many of my photos, she got the honor of holding our table tracker in front of the camera.  You can tell from the expression on her face that she was…

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