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Category: kids

130/365-2 A Vision of Play

130/365-2 A Vision of Play

“Joy” Erin began her day as a twenty-one year old college student and finished it as a college graduate with a degree in mathematics and about to begin her life in the working world as a spatial analyst.  It some ways it is hard to believe that she is already out of college and about to be independent and in the same breath I can say that I can’t believe that she is only twenty-one is beginning her professional career….

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126/365-2 A Vision of Innocence

126/365-2 A Vision of Innocence

“Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” Innocence is not exactly a word that I would associate with Brooke.  I am not being judgmental, just realistic.  She played college rugby.  They drank beer out of cleats.  That right there says it all, don’t you think?   I had to stretch things to make today’s prompt work even a little. Brooke has always loved reading.  When she was tiny and innocent, I read to her all the time.  In this photo she…

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107/365-2 Starts With B

107/365-2 Starts With B

“Lots of B” Something strange and wonderful happened today.  This is my Big Baby (aka my oldest daughter), the one who hates having her picture taken.  During lunch today I texted her and told her that I had fifteen minutes from when I got home from school and then had to leave again for church to get today’s POTD done and she was it.  Why?  Her name is Bethany Brooke.  And though my last name is Baker, hers is nut;…

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98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

“Say Cheese!” Life seems so busy right now.  I feel like I am pedaling as hard as I can and am still behind the pack.  So when I read that today’s prompt was pull over or slow down and notice the things around you, I just laughed.  Deep down I know that slowing down is not only important but also absolutely necessary to maintaining a healthy body and a healthy spirit, but I can’t always make myself do it.  Case…

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82/365-2 Phone Art

82/365-2 Phone Art

“Flowers and a Picture!” Brooke is not supporting my effort to get at least one good picture of her each month.  So, this may have to do for her March photo.  That is indeed her hand holding the flowers.  Since todays prompt was phone art, I didn’t feel bad about the over-the-top editing.  That made the whole idea a little more palatable for Brooke too.  The more I look at it, the more this image kind of grows on me.

81/365-2 On Their Terms

81/365-2 On Their Terms

“Old” Faithful Today’s prompt is one of the monthly repeating inspirations – a portrait.  Erin is always a willing subject.  Weber got the day off from being in front of the camera.   I don’t know that this shot was taken on Erin’s terms, but she did help choose which shot would be my POTD.

79/365-2 Diptych

79/365-2 Diptych

“Like Mother, Like Daughter” I had zero creative juices flowing today as far as photography went.  I did have a couple of fledgling ideas for this prompt but I just couldn’t bring them to fruition.  I finally called Erin and begged for help.  Because she loves her mommy, she obliged.  I asked her to send me a photo of what she  was doing.  She sent me one right away.   Though she and I often like the same books and…

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68/365-2 Emerging

68/365-2 Emerging

“Budding Artist” Yesterday was a good kind of busy, but it kept me from taking my POTD until very late last might and then I forgot to post it before I went to bed. We went to church yesterday morning with some friends to hear a guest preacher give the sermon.  The whole church experience was pretty awesome!  The friends with whom we went are some of our closest, the service was one of the most God-filled that I have…

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55/365-2 Predictable

55/365-2 Predictable

‘Smile” “Smile!” One of my goals this year is to make sure that I get at least one photo of each of the girls every month.  This is easy with Erin because she is a willing model.  Brooke, on the other hand, is quite the opposite.  When it comes to photographing her, I just have to go for it knowing that it has the potential to be an unpleasant experience for all involved. There are several things about my goal…

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30/365-2 Focused

30/365-2 Focused

“Brooke-worm” This kid began reading at age 3 and hasn’t stopped since.  I’m not sure how Borders Books went out of business.  I think we spent enough money there to have kept them in business by ourselves.  By the time that Brooke was six, she was reading so much that I no longer could read everything that she was reading first to make sure that it was appropriate.  If I had, I would have had no time to read for…

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