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Category: kids

256/365-2 Grip

256/365-2 Grip

“September Pole?” In my continuing effort to make sure that a get a photo of both of the girls each month, I had to take advantage of erin’s visit today for her September picture.  She agreed to “grip” the pole so that we at least gave a nod to today’s prompt. She is always so easy and a lot of fun to photograph! I’m sure she is thinking about how much she love her mama!

248/365-2 From Scratch

248/365-2 From Scratch

“Scads of Scones from Scratch” Brooke spent all day , and night, Friday making cones and teacakes for 120 people for an event being held at the library.  This look has more to do with me shoving the camera in her face than it does having to make 240 scones.

242/365-2 A Different Perspective

242/365-2 A Different Perspective

“Flower Mandala” For over six years I have used the practice of drawing mandalas as a form of meditation.  This discipline helped me to keep my head and my heart in the right place during what was a pretty rough period in my life.  When I look back at my drawings from those years, I am transported right back to the time and place in which they were drawn.  When I began drawing mandalas I had no idea that doing…

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235/365-2 August Portrait

235/365-2 August Portrait

“Double Header” For the first time since 1992, no one our house needs back to school clothes.  (Weber and I consider it back to work clothes.)  And now, both of the girls are working.  That didn’t keep us from shopping, though.  The girls and I had a nice afternoon at the mall.  We managed to find some pretty good deals!  They honored me with a very quick photo shoot when we got back to the house. “Erin in August” “Brooke…

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222/365-2 On the Brink

222/365-2 On the Brink

“Teetering Troll” August 10, 2014 It has been a long time since these trolls have been out in public.  Over the weekend we cleaned out the garage, etc. at the house in Denton.  I brought home with me all of the girls’ toys that I saved.  I am not one of those mothers that saved every single thing, only those that have weathered the test of time.  When I got these out for the day’s photograph Brooke remembered playing with…

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208/365-2 The Right Tool

208/365-2 The Right Tool

“Fingers” Sometimes your fingers are the best tools around. Brooke made blueberry and nectarine muffins tonight.  The muffins were much better than my photo! We are trying to get ready for another trip to Delaware so I didn’t have much time ti give to this tonight.

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

“A Natural Bond” Today’s prompt was supposed to be all about portraiture, more specifically, portraiture  focusing on the “tradition; attire” of the subject.   I knew that the structure of today did not allow itself to a dedicated portrait session with anyone and I had no hopes of any interesting traditional attire. I am still committed to taking at least one shot of each of the girls every month.  It is nearly the end of June and I had not…

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144/365-2 A Vision of Finished

144/365-2 A Vision of Finished

“Moving On Up” Though she turned twenty-one in December and legally became an adult then, today Erin really “finished” her childhood.  She moved into her first apartment where she signed the lease and is responsible for all of her own bills.  The move is because she has a “real” job with a real salary as a spatial analyst.   We went over for dinner tonight.  It was funny to see all of the things that she has taken for granted…

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131/365-2 Motherly Love

131/365-2 Motherly Love

“Silent Love” After our big graduation celebration yesterday, we all needed a quiet day today.   This morning in church the pastor called all of the mothers forward and gave us each a rose.  He offered a prayer for all of us, but did not stop there.  Prayers were then offered for those who have lost their mothers, for those who want to be mothers, and for those who have or had a broken relationship with their mothers.  By the…

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