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Category: just for fun

223/365-2 Trails

223/365-2 Trails

“Open Heart” Today was a day of not much artistry but a great deal of learning.  The trails referred to in today’s prompt are light trails.  We have all seen such images, the ones where the cars and trucks on the highway are reduced to streaks of red and white lights.  I have never photographed light trails before, I just wasn’t sure where to go to try.  Most of the ideas that I had turned out to be poor choices…

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222/365-2 On the Brink

222/365-2 On the Brink

“Teetering Troll” August 10, 2014 It has been a long time since these trolls have been out in public.  Over the weekend we cleaned out the garage, etc. at the house in Denton.  I brought home with me all of the girls’ toys that I saved.  I am not one of those mothers that saved every single thing, only those that have weathered the test of time.  When I got these out for the day’s photograph Brooke remembered playing with…

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221/365-2 Like A Painting

221/365-2 Like A Painting

“Peering” Today’s prompt had more to do with processing of a photo than anything else.  The goal was to take a photo and process it in such a way that it looked like a painting rather than a photograph.  Just what I needed…another step to consume yet more time!  Oh my, the time that can be spent exploring the possibilities with this type of conversion! This is a photo that I took on the last evening that we were in…

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213/365-2 Everyday

213/365-2 Everyday

  “CY365 Trio” There are things that I do every day because I have to – get up, make the bed, feed the dogs and cat, etc.  Then there are the things that I do every day because I want to.  I had no idea 578 days ago when I joined the Capture Your 365 community and committed to taking and sharing a photograph ever day how big a part of my life this would become.  On days when other…

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201/365-2 July Where I Stand: Heatwave

201/365-2 July Where I Stand: Heatwave

‘Standing Together” After an unstructured afternoon, we enjoyed a short arm walk through the park this evening before dinner.  The cool (for Texas in July) temperatures of the last few days are gone but it was still nice to get out and enjoy some fresh air.  We discovered a new picnic spot to try once it is not so hot outside.

198/365-2 View From Above: A Meal

198/365-2 View From Above: A Meal

“Sweet Snack” I have developed a terrible nighttime sweet tooth. Tonight I tried to appease it with a tasty peach, but the chocolate, oatmeal, and ground almond cookies were also calling my name. I put them both on the plate and realized that, with a little imagination, they looked like a sunflower. I snapped a photo. Then I ate it all.

196/365-2 Red

196/365-2 Red

“Unpacking NOAH” This photo is more appropriate to this blog post than it is to the photo prompt “red,” but it will have to do double duty here if I am to have any chance of catching up with posts and photos! Traveling to the NOAH  (National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation) conference was an awesome adventure all the way around.  We spent lots of time enjoying food, fun, information and time with friends both old and new.  Many of us have…

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191/365-2 On A Windowsill

191/365-2 On A Windowsill

“Have A Coke” This was taken a few days ago.  I love this bottle of Coke with my name on it.  It was given to me by one of my friends at the NOAH conference.  It is so hard to find things with Kris spelled with a “K” rather than “Ch”.  I wonder what prompted Coke to do this. Weber and I celebrated our fourth anniversary today.  We had a fun day but unfortunately it was a day that resulted…

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188/365-2 Macro Monday – To the Point

188/365-2 Macro Monday – To the Point

“Point of Reflection” ‘Write to the Point” I am still a believer in handwritten everything – journals, cards and letters, lists and agendas.  Confession time: I am terrible about putting things on the calendar on my phone, just ask Weber!  In my antiquated style, I also love fountain pens.  They do require more care and attention to use, but they feel oh so good gliding across the paper. I had a hard time choosing which photo to be “the one”…

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