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Category: just for fun

266/365-2 Who?

266/365-2 Who?

“And Her Choice Is…” Nothing but some fun with the Legos today… Whom will she choose?  Will it be the safe but boring businessman?  The gorgeous but somewhat stuck-up athlete?  Or, the fun loving but seriously unstable musician?

262/365-2 Where I Stand September

262/365-2 Where I Stand September

“September Where We Stand” We bought these orange and blue terra cotta boot planters on a ridiculous sale last weekend.  What we didn’t buy yet is anything to plant in them.  I had hoped that we might get that done this weekend, but it didn’t happen.  So, for now, the empty boot sit on the porch waiting.  So that they wouldn’t feel totally neglected, I decided to use them in the September “Where I Stand” photo that was supposed to…

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263/365-2 Reflection

263/365-2 Reflection

“A Spoonful of…” Well, I could have, should have done a little better job of photographing a reflection, but yesterday got away from me and this is the best I could do at 10 pm.  

249/365-2 Off Prompt

249/365-2 Off Prompt

“I’ve Got Friends…and Mail!” Today’s prompt was supposed to be September’s self portrait.  Because of our schedule, that wasn’t going to happen.  We had a fantastic day at the theater and then going out for dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  When we got home, we discovered that Blueper B had received a package from a friend.   You can read all about Blueper B’s exciting day on his blog: He also has a Facebook page if you’d like to…

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247/365-2 Beginning

247/365-2 Beginning

‘Beginning to Become” Thursday afternoons are my favorite time of the week.  I am done teaching for the week at 3:00.  I can leave school and don’t have to be concerned about anything having to be done this evening.  It is an awesome feeling after worrying on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights about making sure that I fully prepared for the following day.  I do spend Friday’s preparing for the next week, but for now, I am free!  Teaching…

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234/365-2 Green

234/365-2 Green

“Dad’s Cactus” My pictures and prompts for the last few days are all jumbled up.  I love the cactus picture that I took yesterday so I am using it here for my response to today’s “green” prompt, despite the fact that it has a n abundance of blue.  I probably should have swapped yesterday’s and today’s images, but I don’t look ahead at the prompts so I didn’t realize the proximity of these two. I did, however, take a “green”…

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227/365-2 On the Phone

227/365-2 On the Phone

“Phone Photography” Recently I have probably spent more time taking and editing photos with my phone than I have talking or even texting.  Today was a good day to document my new love affair with my phone’s camera thanks to The Phone Photography Project that I have been involved with over the last month.

225/365-2 Homegrown

225/365-2 Homegrown

“Downtown” First of all, I am not doing well with daily posts here.  I think that I have too many irons in the fire right at the moment… and school hasn’t even started yet.   I am still taking my daly photos as well as  finishing up the phone photography class (where I am also two days behind) and I have just started another online photography class.  In addition, regular choir rehearsals started last evening.   Weber goes back to…

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