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Category: just for fun

251/365 Simple

251/365 Simple

“Simple Comforts of Home” Today was a day of travel – planes, trains, and automobiles – and a few blocks on foot.  We made our way home from Portland to Dallas via a brief layover in Phoenix.  Though we had no snafus in our travel plans, it was still and long day and tonight will be a very short night.  After being gone, even for just two nights, it is nice to come home to the simple comforts . ….

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244/365 Everywhere A Sign

244/365 Everywhere A Sign

“Not Your Kid’s S’mores” For some time we have been wanting to have a get together at the house.  It has but put off several times in hopes that all of the renovations would be finished.  We are not quite there, but close enough that we decided to go ahead with it tonight.  This seemed like a good way to begin the new school year. it was fiesta time – empanadas, tacos, refried beans, corn,slaw and homemade salsa and guacamole….

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242/365 Smack

242/365 Smack

“Puppy Love” Today’s prompt was “bump.”  Elaboration on that was given as jolt, crash or smack.  Thankfully I did not have anything in my day that could be described by any of those words.  I had a day at home.  I did do some work, but it was at a leisurely pace and did not require that I be dressed by 7 am.   We spent this evening with friends.  It was a wonderful evening during which we shared a…

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237/365 The Extraordinary in the Ordinary

237/365 The Extraordinary in the Ordinary

“A Tisket, A Tasket … …  a shadow and a basket” I wish that I had had more time to look for things for this prompt.  It is a great mental challenge to try and find interesting perspectives and parts of seemingly uninteresting things to photograph.  This is a laundry basket casting its shadow in the afternoon sun.

232/365 The Other Side

232/365 The Other Side

“The Ears Have It” Today’s prompt was to look at something from “the other side.”  You know, the grass is always greener on the other side…Harley has the sweetest little face, but it definitely her ears that give her “her look” no matter the side from which you view them.  I like how the light shines through her ears. Below is a picture I took while photographing on the square in Carrollton.  It is not technically great, but it was…

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229/365 Pink

229/365 Pink

“Obvious Pink” I have a button that reads, “The obvious escapes many.”  It is hardcore evidence of my judgmental side.  I bet none of you knew I had one of those.  So, this morning as I was looking at the day’s prompt on my iPad, I spoke aloud my concern about what I could photograph that was pink – and not a flower.  Between you and me, I am getting tired of photographing flowers.  Anyway, my beloved family asked if…

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227/365 Floating

227/365 Floating

“Two Balloons” I like both the photo and the sentiment here but it does make me laugh because, although Weber was a good sport and helped with today’s photo, I learned that he really doesn’t like balloons.  

226/365 Bonus

226/365 Bonus

“Bonus Bunny” The point of today’s photo prompt was to look for “bonuses” in our shots – those things that you did not see when you were taking the photo but when you look at the image on the computer, they are a cool addition to the picture.  As someone who doesn’t see well, I often find these bonuses in my shots.  Today, however, was not really one of those days.   We spent the day taking animals to the…

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224/365 Play

224/365 Play

“Serious Play” It was way too hot here today for any outdoor play.  Even Adidas did not want to go outside and play with his frisbee.  I possibly could have bribed Harley and the cat to engage in a little rough housing, but to photograph just a moment of their antics looks a whole lot more serious than it really is.  I didn’t want any calls from the SPCA about the cat abusing the dog.  So, Erin became the lucky…

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