280/365 Repetition
“Belly of the Bridge” This is the underside of a bridge that we cross regularly going from one side of town to the other.
“Belly of the Bridge” This is the underside of a bridge that we cross regularly going from one side of town to the other.
“A Duet” Today’s prompt is a little misleading taken out of the context of the monthly list. It sounds romantic, but in reality, it’s technical. The task was to combine two images into one. The two photos here are a bagpiper that I saw on the street when we were in London over the summer and a photo taken today of the newest addition to my mini figure collection. Creating this stretched my post-processing abilities. I definitely learned a…
“Whatever…” There is no disguise here, but the prompt also suggested the use of props and being goofy. I think we got that:-) The jury is still out on whether the “whatever” is intended for the person on the other end of the phone or me for pointing the camera at her yet again. I’m fairly sure I know what the verdict is. Whatever…
“Bokeh Bubbles” I love to take bubble pictures; therefore, throughout this year I have already taken many of them. I was trying to think of a different, somewhat creative approach to today’s prompt. I finally came up with an idea, but never quite got to it during the day. When Weber got home, just in case that idea didn’t materialize, we went outside to try some of the “normal” bubble shots. I quickly discovered that it was more windy…
“Good-bye Summer, Hello Fall”
“Diggin’ Up the Dirt”
“Power lines – Lifelines” Today was a day of choices. I’m not sure that I made the best ones, but I am happy with the ones I made. I had a bunch of work to do for school. I unconsciously made the choice not to do any of it today. I say subconsciously because throughout the day I kept saying, “I’ll do this, then I’ll grade tests.” With this tactic, I managed to read a bit, do some laundry, clean…
“To Be Me Or Not To Be Me” I’m not sure whether I’m in a creative slump, a creative surge or maybe just a state of rebellion. For the last couple days I haven’t been able to think inside the box with the daily prompts. You would think that with all of the cooking that goes on around here that I would have been able to come up with something good for “sugar and spice.” Everything that I thought of…
‘Does Anyone Have A Pen? The point of today’s prompt was to document the things that you carry around in your purse or bag every day. As I mentioned a few weeks ago with the “back to school” prompt, I don’t carry a purse; I carry a backpack. My backpack is full of stuff that is useful and necessary, but necessarily photo worthy. I don’t want pictures of all the papers I need to grade, or the binders of lessons,…
“Water Ride” We are having a great weekend in Portland. I am way too tired to write, but I’ll catch up when we get home.