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Category: house remodel

Frames, Francis, and Felines

Frames, Francis, and Felines

As the end of June nears, I find myself struck by how quickly time has passed. It has been a little over a year since we began the work to remodel the house and a little less than a year since Weber and I were married. To mark these milestones we are doing our best to assimilate mine, his, and ours to create a home that is comfortable and uniquely ours. After the arrival of dining room furniture tomorrow, every…

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The Score is Tied

The Score is Tied

After our second night in the old/new house, the battle between its two male occupants is tied. Male Parental Unit:1 Adidas:1 See below for highlights from this week’s match up. “The Point Earning Move” For details of the first match between these two slumber seeking boys, please see this blog’s previous post. Stay tuned to see who wins the tie-breaking match. The winner will snooze away on his very own blow up air mattress. (Bed linens are not included in…

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First Night

First Night

We spent our first night in our “new” house this week. Well, it’s not really new, but it feels new. You may remember that back in the spring we began renovations on Weber’s house in Dallas. We had hoped to move before school started in August; for many reasons this did not happen. These are not necessarily bad reasons, they are just reasons. And for these same reasons, despite the fact that we spent the night in the house, the…

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First Night

First Night

We spent our first night in our “new” house this week. Well, it’s not really new, but it feels new. You may remember that back in the spring we began renovations on Weber’s house in Dallas. We had hoped to move before school started in August; for many reasons this did not happen. These are not necessarily bad reasons, they are just reasons. And for these same reasons, despite the fact that we spent the night in the house, the…

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ADD, BTU’s, and “I do.”

ADD, BTU’s, and “I do.”

Someone once explained ADD to me as the experience of watching TV with the channels changing every few seconds so that the world seems to be a collection of unrelated pictures where nothing makes sense. For the past two weeks, I have felt like I have been placed in an intentional state of ADD. As I have said before, I really don’t like multitasking. Unfortunately, being one with any single task lately has not been an option; too many things…

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Some Things Considered

Some Things Considered

I am not a shopper. Really what I mean is that I am not much of a recreational shopper. I don’t like walking the mall “just for fun”. (Surfing the Internet is a whole different story, but we won’t go there right now.) My attitude about shopping is fueled by the realization that the stores are filled with tons of stuff that nobody needs – gadgets that claim to make tasks that most of us never do easier, clothes that…

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Never Say Never: PART II

Never Say Never: PART II

In my last post you read my perspective on our current remodeling project. Here is Weber’s side of the story. I received this today while I was reading the paper. It is rather serendipitous (or not) that I had just read the “Love is” cartoon for the day – “Love is at the heart of a home.” As you have read, Kris and I are moving into “the old homestead”, as it were. It was my parent’s house and it…

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