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About The Books

About The Books

I said yesterday that I am a minimalist.  I don’t like to be surrounded by a lot of “stuff.”  I also said that the one exception to my own “if I can’t use it right now then get rid of it” philosophy is books.  I like books.  All kinds of books.  Weber likes books too.  This is good for our relationship and bad for our bookshelves.  When we got married, we had limited shelf space.  We agreed that we would…

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Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes and More Boxes

Boxes, more boxes Of papers and photographs. Flawed memories. KEB 1/3/17 For a year and a half all of the boxes of “stuff” that I brought home from my dad’s house have been sitting in our guest room.  Well sitting may be too kind a word.  Crammed is more appropriate.  It is fair to say that anyone who ventured into that room would have needed a golden clew, like that of Ariadne, to make their way out of the labyrinth…

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Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas has come and gone.  In Texas, at least for us, it was the calm before the storm.  The Dallas area had devastating tornadoes last night, one of which contained 200 mph winds, that left eleven people dead and massive property damage that has not yet been fully assessed.  Though the tornado sirens sounded for us and we had a plan for taking shelter, we never moved from our positions  in front of the TV where we were watching the…

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Alone With Me

Alone With Me

Today was just the day I needed!  It was gray and rainy.  Not cold, but that’s okay.  And, I got to stay at home all day!  For most of the day I could hear the falling rain, its rhythm somewhat irregular but comforting nonetheless.  I was up early, made breakfast for Weber, wrote my morning pages, shared a few texts with friends, and then went back to bed for an hour.  The weather encouraged it.  My calendar allowed it.  And,…

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Revolving Door

Revolving Door

One thing that I have learned, because the lesson has been shown to me time and time again, is that no doors ever really shut in life.  Our existence involves continuous movement, an unchoreographed dance,  through a constantly revolving door.  The variables that impact where that door leads include how quickly the door turns, how we embrace our perspective at the present point of rotation, and who else is making their way through the door with us. Today was bittersweet…

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9/365-3 Multifaceted

9/365-3 Multifaceted

“Welcome Home!” As is evidenced by the fact that it is now Saturday and this is Friday;s post, I was short on time, as well as inspiration and creativity, yesterday.  There wasn’t anything really major going on, just a lot of little things that managed to eat away at t my time – mentoring, conference calls, a few chores, playing for a service last night.  It is one of those cases where the sum of the parts seems greater than…

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