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Category: garden

And June Is Over!

And June Is Over!

Here is what my June looked like in a picture a day… June is a few hours from being over.  We are now halfway through 2017.  And we are also closer to Christmas 2017 than Christmas 2016.  You have 177 shopping days. The word that comes to mind when I look back at my daily photos from the month and I think about all the experiences that June brought with it is growth.  The biggest event during this month is…

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Celery Leaves

Celery Leaves

My dad was raised by a single mother who grew up during the Depression.  From this experience, he learned the importance of hard work and to not waste anything.  Dad would save anything and everything and repurpose it.  Plastic soda bottles with their bottoms cut off became mini greenhouses over pots containing cuttings that were rooting.  He had an unending supply of rubber bands collected from years of morning newspapers.  We won’t talk of the many collections that were safely…

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A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A week ago today I spent an amazing Saturday with four awesome photography friends, and several supportive family members, on a photowalk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Most of us had never met before that day, yet from the moment that we all gathered at the front entrance to the gardens, it felt like we had been lifelong friends.  The excitement with which we all met that day was like a bunch of teenagers at a sleepover. With cameras around…

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Optimistic Tuesday

Optimistic Tuesday

Despite the fact that we are two weeks into fall according to the calendar, the weather here has not gotten the official word.  Temperatures are in the 90’s and the summer annuals are still in full bloom.  The oak tree has dropped a few leaves, so I am being optimistic that sometime soon fall will arive in more than name! If you are interested, here is the link to today’s Tuesday in Texas post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs.  Tracey…

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311/365-2 The Little Things

311/365-2 The Little Things

“Little Big Things” In the few days after my dad passed away, countless people asked me what they could do for me.  Admittedly, I am not very good at asking for help, but during that time, I didn’t really even know what to ask for…except from one person. My dad always loved gardening.  He always had a vegetable garden and he always had houseplants.  When he retired from the Navy and moved back to Delaware, he went to work for…

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255/365-2 From the Garden

255/365-2 From the Garden

“Beware” Anything having to do with a garden at our house this year requires a vivid imagination!   I came up way short of creativity with today’s prompt.  A trip to Target, ostensibly for throat lozenges to address the fall cold that I feel coming on, yielded this cute little Lego figure…and pumpkin spice M&Ms.  This was the best I could do today.  No garden, no creativity, no energy and a sore throat all make for blah a photo.

193/365-2 Centered

193/365-2 Centered

“Sacred Center” I have walked by this plant, whose name I do not know, several time a day for nearly a week.  To me, there is something beautifully fascinating about the sacred spiral that is the blueprint that creates the layers of petals.   I have also come to realize that I have a love of natural monochromatic images.  I love the gradient green tones in this.  The spiral in combination with the greens, to me, make this image cry…

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151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

 “In the Garden” We had a very quiet day today.  Brooke is our of town at the wedding of one of her college roommates and we had a relatively free calendar, which turned out to be a good thing because Weber has been sick all week and he slept for almost five hours this afternoon.   Th dogs were perfectly happy to keep him company while he napped, though they did feel compelled to get up a few times to…

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122/365-2 Vision of May Flowers

122/365-2 Vision of May Flowers

“Circle Of Life” I don’t think that this image necessarily has a unique perspective, but what drew my attention to it is the ring of spent iris blooms encircling the one young and beautiful flower.  As I looked at this, I thought about how important it is for the wisdom and experience of age to wrap its arms around youth and innocence.  I also noticed the changing face of beauty.  Though most eyes are drawn immediately to the big colorful…

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275/365 Seasonal Color

275/365 Seasonal Color

“What Season Is It? I had very little time and very little inspiration for today’s photo.  The temperatures are still in the nineties and none of the trees are looking like fall yet.  In a quick thirty minute trip to the park between school and dinner and before choir rehearsal (when the light was all wrong for taking pictures), the best I could find was this still blooming rosebush surrounded by some bright orange leaves. Looks like seasonal color to…

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