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Category: friends

325/365 Grateful for Boundless Spirit

325/365 Grateful for Boundless Spirit

“Life Touched” This month’s Inspired class prompt is hands.  Yesterday while teaching a composition lesson I was stuck by the juxtaposition of my hand (top left) with that of my student’s.  All I had was my phone, but with permission I snapped this shot.  As I thought about today’s prompt, boundless spirit, this image resonated with me as being a perfect depiction for several reasons. Personally, it speaks of my deep love of teaching and of music.  It also speaks…

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305/365 Surprise

305/365 Surprise

“A Friendly Surprise” Our friend Paul, who collects Hot Wheels and knows of my fondness for Lego mini figures, discovered that Hot Wheels and Lego have joined forces.  This car has the iconic Lego “pegs” so that the mini figures can stand.  How cool is that!  It takes a true friend to know and appreciate how excited I would be to be given this Hot Wheels car as a surprise today. Since Paul started as our contractor and became a…

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242/365 Smack

242/365 Smack

“Puppy Love” Today’s prompt was “bump.”  Elaboration on that was given as jolt, crash or smack.  Thankfully I did not have anything in my day that could be described by any of those words.  I had a day at home.  I did do some work, but it was at a leisurely pace and did not require that I be dressed by 7 am.   We spent this evening with friends.  It was a wonderful evening during which we shared a…

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151/365 Sunglasses

151/365 Sunglasses

 “TGIF!” It’s Friday, the last day of the work week and the day of the month of May.  It is also my last week off before starting summer school next week.  I could have done without that realization!  Oh well, it is only five weeks.  It will go quickly. We had a fun evening with friends tonight – pizza, fireworks and ice cream.  Good, clean, adult fun.   Carrollton, the city adjacent to us is turning 100.  To celebrate they…

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68/365 Me

68/365 Me

Another day posted late – I’m turning into a slacker!  Despite the fact that Saturday’s (yesterday’s) prompt was the one a loathe most each month, the self portrait, I took the photos early in the day.  I just didn’t manage to get them posted before we went out for the evening with friends.  I was happy, or as happy as I can get, with two of the who knows how many shots I took. “Serious Saturday” I am trying to…

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Nothing Beets A Good Friend!

Nothing Beets A Good Friend!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the fact that I had beets that I didn’t know how to cook and was fairly sure that I wouldn’t like them even if I did know how to cook them. I asked for suggestions from any of you who may have a better relationship with beets than I do. As is usually the case when I make such pleas, at least one of you always comes through. This time it is a…

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Play Date

Play Date

My friend Debra and I had a Play Date today. She and I see each other at least once a week because we are in a book group together. Though that is a fun thing, it is not a Play Date. We are there to study a book with four other women, not to play. Sometimes we even see each other twice a week because we attend the same church. All that really means is that on Sunday mornings we…

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Contracting Friendship

Contracting Friendship

Time flies when you’re having fun, at least that is what “they” (whoever “they” is) say.  The reality here is that time flies whether you are having fun or not.  I have had a crazy start to the school year – lots of little things that have kept me just enough off-balance that writing here has not happened.  I have written a little for other things and I want to share that here. Earlier in the summer I came across…

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Words With Friends

Words With Friends

I have an iPhone. I am not necessarily proud of having partaken of that indulgence, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I am grateful to have it. My iPhone keeps me in constant contact with family, friends, and students. The text messages that pop up with “I love you!” at random times of the day and the “How’s it going”, even the “What’s for dinner?” let me know that someone is thinking about me in the…

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