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Category: friends

151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

 “In the Garden” We had a very quiet day today.  Brooke is our of town at the wedding of one of her college roommates and we had a relatively free calendar, which turned out to be a good thing because Weber has been sick all week and he slept for almost five hours this afternoon.   Th dogs were perfectly happy to keep him company while he napped, though they did feel compelled to get up a few times to…

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138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

“Music for Hope” Today was a busy day, but a “good” busy day.  It was one filled with friends, food, family, a little shopping and music.  What it was not filled with was time for today’s photo.  In the few minutes that I was home in between shopping and leaving for the concert at church, I did think to put a generic lens on my camera and put it in my bag “just in case” there was something that would…

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111/365-2 Colorful

111/365-2 Colorful

“Philo-sockical” Considering how exhausted I was yesterday, today was a pretty good day.  This may be due to the fact that I wore my “happy” socks this morning.  How can you not be cheered by rainbows and smiley faces?

75/365-2 Cheers

75/365-2 Cheers

“Cheers to Caffeine!” Spring break has come and gone way too quickly!  We didn’t have any ‘set in stone” plans for the week.  As it turns out, that made for a really enjoyable week off.  We got some things done around the house, a few “in town” chores taken care of and had a lot of time to spend with friends; that was the best part. We ate out way more than usual during our time off, but in each…

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68/365-2 Emerging

68/365-2 Emerging

“Budding Artist” Yesterday was a good kind of busy, but it kept me from taking my POTD until very late last might and then I forgot to post it before I went to bed. We went to church yesterday morning with some friends to hear a guest preacher give the sermon.  The whole church experience was pretty awesome!  The friends with whom we went are some of our closest, the service was one of the most God-filled that I have…

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31/365-2 A Horse

31/365-2 A Horse

“Gracie and Larry” Obviously neither of them is a horse 🙂  There were no horses in my world today but I was lucky to spend some time with Larry and Gracie.  Though Larry is pretty good at sitting still, Gracie is a fun loving fast lying ball of fur.  I had a hard time getting a good photo of her.  But, I do really like this one of the two of them. And then there is Gracie…

16/365-2 Reserved

16/365-2 Reserved

“Reserved for Family” Some day’s photos are marked by creativity and some by pure reality.  Today’s is the latter.  This afternoon we celebrated the life of my dear friend who passed away suddenly on Sunday.  Though there was sadness and sorrow amidst us, there was also an abounding sense of love and joy because we had all been blessed by knowing this person. Today really brought home how significant the daily photo prompts can be.  Of all the beautiful moments…

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362/365 A Potrait

362/365 A Potrait

“My Two Lensbabies”  Today is my 52nd birthday.  I’m not sure why disclosing one’s age has always been on the socially unacceptable list.  It is what it is.  There are days when I look and feel far beyond my years; then there are those days when I feel much younger.  The truth is, no matter how young or old you look or feel,  where you are is where you are and it is much better than the alternative. This is…

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351/365 Quiet

351/365 Quiet

“Not Stirring” I didn’t have as much quiet in my day today as I would have liked.  I had to go to school this afternoon to meet with a prospective student and then give a placement exam.  This evening we had a fantastic dinner with friends.  It is so nice to share a meal in the quiet of someone’s home rather than amidst the noise of a restaurant.  So many eating establishments now have multiple TVs and music playing as…

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335/365 Collect

335/365 Collect

‘World Aids Day 2013″ Cathedral of Hope – Dallas, TX A very dear friend of mine was singing as part of a service of remembrance and gratitude on this, World Aids Day.  It has been a long time since I have been to a service that was so moving, one where God’s presence was so big and so warm and so loving.  This is kind of a sad statement from someone who attends church regularly.  Every part of this service…

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