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Category: friends

279/365-2 October Macro – Whole

279/365-2 October Macro – Whole

“Cups and Tea” Very rarely does something happen in my life that I can’t make fit the daily prompt.  Today, however, was one of those days. A relatively new friend, but one who has become dear to us very quickly, made us these tea cups to go with two others and a matching pot that we won last summer as part of the NOAH conference silent auction.  They are “so us” and serve as a tangible reminder of the blessings…

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253/365-2 Discarded

253/365-2 Discarded

“Friendship” Friendship and all of its intricacies have been on my mind this week.  I don’t think that I realized a few days ago when I photographed the Diet Coke can, with the phrase ‘Share a Diet Coke with a friend.” on it, that I had any idea where my week was going.  Now, posting this photo two days late, it is all making sense. As one who grew up in a military family and moved a lot, I don’t…

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249/365-2 Off Prompt

249/365-2 Off Prompt

“I’ve Got Friends…and Mail!” Today’s prompt was supposed to be September’s self portrait.  Because of our schedule, that wasn’t going to happen.  We had a fantastic day at the theater and then going out for dinner to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  When we got home, we discovered that Blueper B had received a package from a friend.   You can read all about Blueper B’s exciting day on his blog: He also has a Facebook page if you’d like to…

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240/365-2 A Backpack

240/365-2 A Backpack

‘A Cooler Backpack” I should learn to read ahead.  Since I used a photo of my own backpack earlier in the week for another prompt, I was stuck today when the prompt actually was “a backpack.”  Throughout my day at school, I snapped several photos around campus with my phone, most of the people I did not know so I was a little leery of posting those photos.  As it turns out, that didn’t matter; my favorite photo of the…

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235/365-2 August Portrait

235/365-2 August Portrait

“Double Header” For the first time since 1992, no one our house needs back to school clothes.  (Weber and I consider it back to work clothes.)  And now, both of the girls are working.  That didn’t keep us from shopping, though.  The girls and I had a nice afternoon at the mall.  We managed to find some pretty good deals!  They honored me with a very quick photo shoot when we got back to the house. “Erin in August” “Brooke…

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213/365-2 Everyday

213/365-2 Everyday

  “CY365 Trio” There are things that I do every day because I have to – get up, make the bed, feed the dogs and cat, etc.  Then there are the things that I do every day because I want to.  I had no idea 578 days ago when I joined the Capture Your 365 community and committed to taking and sharing a photograph ever day how big a part of my life this would become.  On days when other…

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195/365-2 An Old Bridge

195/365-2 An Old Bridge

“Not Leaving On A Jet Plane” I am a firm believer in bloom where you are planted, even if that means that you are expected to grow and bloom in conditions that are less than ideal.  This philosophy made our travels home from San Diego quite pleasurable when others might have been seriously frustrated and angry. We left San Diego Monday afternoon on a 4:15 flight to Dallas with a connection in Phoenix.  The first leg of our journey, San…

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191/365-2 On A Windowsill

191/365-2 On A Windowsill

“Have A Coke” This was taken a few days ago.  I love this bottle of Coke with my name on it.  It was given to me by one of my friends at the NOAH conference.  It is so hard to find things with Kris spelled with a “K” rather than “Ch”.  I wonder what prompted Coke to do this. Weber and I celebrated our fourth anniversary today.  We had a fun day but unfortunately it was a day that resulted…

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185/365-2 Bursting

185/365-2 Bursting

“Fireworks” Today was bursting with friends, food, fun, and fireworks.   In all of those “f” words, there was also favorite fail.  I don’t even know what happened with this foto photo, but there is something kind of funky about it that my weird sense of aesthetics kind of likes. Some of my favorite shots of the evening were surprises.  I think it is their simplicity that appeals to me. The next one reminds me of a sunflower. I loved…

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160/365-2 A Favorite Place

160/365-2 A Favorite Place

“Bloom” There are lots of places that I enjoy being.  Really though, who I am with is much more important to me than where I am.  If the company is good, I can overlook some pretty dismal surroundings.  Proof of this is the nearly a year that we spent in the house with no kitchen while we were remodeling.  All those microwave meals were perfectly fine with me because I shared them with the love of my life.   It…

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