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Category: friends

365/365-2 Party

365/365-2 Party

“No Dancing Shoes!” Yes, I forget to post this “yesterday,” but it was after midnight when I got home so technically it would have been today anyway… This is not the photo that I would have liked as my final image for the conclusion of my second year of a picture a day, but this is what my life was today.  And the point of this project is to document my life, so here it is. My leg is not…

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362/365-2 In the Air

362/365-2 In the Air

“Birthday Bubbles” I had a nice birthday day – church followed by lunch with my favorite friends, a little bit of time blowing bubbles in the afternoon sun, and Latin American cuisine for dinner with my family.

349/365-2 Christmas Cards

349/365-2 Christmas Cards

“Warm Wishes” The top of the china cabinet in our dining room is where cards are displayed in our house – birthday cards, Valentine’s Day cards, Easter cards and Christmas cards.  Every time we sit down for a meal, we are reminded of all those you have sent thoughts and prayers.  Up until a week or so ago, this spot was occupied by sympathy cards that we received after my dad’s death.  Those cards did bring us comfort, but I…

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337/365-2 Construction

337/365-2 Construction

“Construct A Scrapbook!” I have a student who is also a colleague teaching in another department as well as a friend.  As we were wrapping up the last week of classes this week before next week’s final exams, the level of stress among faculty and students alike was rising.  Everyone was trying to find something, anything to bring down both their anxiety levels and blood pressure.  My student/colleague/friend decided that taking up scrapbooking is what I needed to take my…

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333/365-2 Thankful for an Early Start

333/365-2 Thankful for an Early Start

“Home for an Early Start to the Holidays” Most of the day was spent traveling, but we did make it home in time to attend a holiday party at some friends’ home.  It was a nice early start to the Christmas season.  OK, maybe it isn’t really early for the rest of the world, but I am so far behind that it feels too early for Christmas to be in full swing.

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

“Pignolis for Two” The more appropriate quote to accompany this picture is, “If at first you don’t succeed, eat dessert again.” I spent a lovely day with fellow photographers Michele and Peggy exploring  Delaware’s capital city of Dover.  We walked, talked, listened and took a few photos along the way.  We ate a tasty lunch and then made our way to a quaint little coffee shop to have dessert and accomplish today’s photo prompt.  Dessert was indeed delicious, but my…

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328/365-2 Thanks for Enough to Share

328/365-2 Thanks for Enough to Share

“Tea For As Many As There Are Cups” We are beginning the overwhelming task of figuring out what to keep and what to find new homes for  at my dad’s house.  Actually, it was my grandparents house and much of what is here belonged to them rather than my parents. My girls want these tea cups that belonged to their great grandmother.  There are enough of them to share and both girls still have plenty.  The cups have a few…

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321/365-2 Give Thanks for Comfort Food

321/365-2 Give Thanks for Comfort Food

“Comfort Food” The suggestion with today’s prompt was to photograph a can of soup.  Nothing says comfort like chicken noodle or tomato soup, right?  But, after photographing oatmeal yesterday as my lame response to home cooking, there was no way that I was going to photograph a can of soup today.   Chicken and sausage jambalaya was on the menu tonight…from scratch!  It was warm and hearty and comforting.  Since the intention of today’s prompt was to challenge ourselves to…

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320/365-2 Give Thanks for Home Cookin’

320/365-2 Give Thanks for Home Cookin’

“Oatmeal for Dinner” I am truly chuckling as I post today’s photo…of cooking from scratch???  I do enjoy cooking …from scratch.  I do cook most of our meals…from scratch.  Today just didn’t happen to be one of those days.  After church this morning we had a fantastic lunch with a group of our most treasured friends.  Lunch was delightful and filling.  When dinnertime rolled around, neither of us was particularly hungry.  Finally I decided that I should eat something…and oatmeal…

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311/365-2 The Little Things

311/365-2 The Little Things

“Little Big Things” In the few days after my dad passed away, countless people asked me what they could do for me.  Admittedly, I am not very good at asking for help, but during that time, I didn’t really even know what to ask for…except from one person. My dad always loved gardening.  He always had a vegetable garden and he always had houseplants.  When he retired from the Navy and moved back to Delaware, he went to work for…

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