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Category: friends

Sailing Toward Sixty #4 – Bridging the Generation Gap

Sailing Toward Sixty #4 – Bridging the Generation Gap

  According to Facebook, today is Friends Day.  It is really Facebook’s birthday.  Since Facebook allows friends to stay it contact with one another over space and time, they have dubbed it Friends Day as a means of celebration.  That makes a great tie-in to the post that I intended to write several weeks ago,  before the flu so rudely messed up my plans. The week before I got sick, my friend, Becca, came to visit from Illinois.  Having a…

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Be Safe

Be Safe

I recently discovered something about myself and I’m not sure that I like it. On Monday, my youngest daughter sent me a text message saying that she was heading to Las Vegas on a last minute business trip.  My response to her was, “Be safe.”  Not, “Have fun.” or “Have a good trip.” or even “Win lots of money.”  But, Be safe. I looked back through my Facebook feed where I had recently commented on posts by friends who are…

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A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!    – Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus” (1883),  written onThe Statue of Liberty   After I wrote earlier about the things I did and didn’t do during my summer freedom, my dear friend Joni reminded me that I did knit a lot over the summer.  She…

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And June Is Over!

And June Is Over!

Here is what my June looked like in a picture a day… June is a few hours from being over.  We are now halfway through 2017.  And we are also closer to Christmas 2017 than Christmas 2016.  You have 177 shopping days. The word that comes to mind when I look back at my daily photos from the month and I think about all the experiences that June brought with it is growth.  The biggest event during this month is…

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The Many Shades of Friendship

The Many Shades of Friendship

It’s been a whirlwind of celebration and good times around our house for the last five days or so.  I know how blessed I am to be able to say that as there are so many people in the world who have nothing to celebrate and not much to call good in their lives.  My hope is that I’ll never take any of the gifts of this life for granted. A good friend flew in last Thursday to spend a…

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January 8-16: Cleaning, Friends, and Tornado Sirens

January 8-16: Cleaning, Friends, and Tornado Sirens

Only sixteen days into the new year and so many good things have already happened!  Yes, I have taken a week long hiatus from writing here; though that was not exactly what I had planned, it is a good thing.  Last weekend, while on retreat, I felt compelled to write even though I was not supposed to be.  And this week, I have been at home with access to my computer, but other things were more important. I returned home…

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Change Is Coming

Change Is Coming

As I mentioned in my post a few days ago, one of the many reasons that I have not been consistent in my writing here is because I am writing two other blogs.  I “met” Tracey almost three years ago through the Capture Your 365 community.  I say “met” because we have never met in person.  In the sharing of our daily photos in the CY365 forum, a connection formed between us.  Our communication moved from CY365 public gallery comments…

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What’s Really Important

What’s Really Important

I never quite made it totally to Christmas this year.  I loved Advent, that time of waiting, of reflection,  of trying to not get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas.  I “did” Advent so well that I didn’t even get the Christmas tree put up until December 20th.  And by that time, other than some outdoor lights on the front porch, I wasn’t inspired to do any other decorating.  Usually I seriously decorate the mantel and hearth, as well…

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Where I Stand

Where I Stand

Every month, the Capture Your 365 photo prompts include this one – “Where I Stand.”  I have pictures of my bare feet, my sock covered feet, my feet in comfy shoes, funky shoes, and dressy shoes.  Throughtout these photos I can be seen with my feet curled around the base of my desk chair, propped up on the couch relaxing, standing side by side with the one I love, on rocks and mountains,  close to home, and faraway.  Each photo…

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A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A Magical Day at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens

A week ago today I spent an amazing Saturday with four awesome photography friends, and several supportive family members, on a photowalk at the Norfolk Botanical Gardens.  Most of us had never met before that day, yet from the moment that we all gathered at the front entrance to the gardens, it felt like we had been lifelong friends.  The excitement with which we all met that day was like a bunch of teenagers at a sleepover. With cameras around…

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