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Category: food

86/365 Hunt

86/365 Hunt

“Hunting For Food” The only hunting going on around here is hunting for recipes for the weekend’s meals.  I want to try making Scotch Eggs.

81/365 Nurture

81/365 Nurture

“An Apple A Day . . .” Whether I’m hungry, thirsty or just need a little energy, an apple always does the trick.  It is a good way to nurture my body.

79/365 Plant Something

79/365 Plant Something

“Please Don’t Grow! I had every intention of at least getting our garden prepped and ready for planting if not actually planted this week while I’ve been on spring break.  Unfortunately, the respiratory crud that hit me over the weekend has really kicked me in the rear.  I have not done much of anything this week.   In an effort to make me feel better, Weber bought me some of these mini doughnuts that have absolutely no redeeming nutritional value,…

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67/365 Hobby

67/365 Hobby

 “Flour Power” It is funny to me how I chose to respond to today’s prompt of “hobby.”  For whatever reason, I don’t think of any of the things that I like to do as “hobbies.”  They are just things that I do.  For that reason, I had to really think about what I was going to photograph today. The first thing that came to mind was knitting.  Of all of the activities that I do in my spare time, this…

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65/365 Full Speed Ahead

65/365 Full Speed Ahead

“Making Butter” One of the things that we treat ourselves to is homemade butter.  Unlike many foods made at home, it is not cheaper to make butter than to buy it, but it sure tastes better.  Making the butter is one of Weber’s self delegated chores.  So tonight he made butter and I took pictures.   The mixer has to be on “full speed ahead” for the process of cream becoming butter to work.  I took lots of pictures of…

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59/365 Up Close and Personal

59/365 Up Close and Personal

“Icing on the Cake” During the month of February it seems like everyone except me photographed a cupcake in response to one prompt or another.  I finally succumbed to peer pressure.  Here is my icing on the cake as we bid farewell to this month of sweets and treats.

54/365 Framed

54/365 Framed

“I’ve Been Framed” It is amazing how much you can get done on a Saturday when you get up at 6am!  We were up early because I had a 7:30 dentist appointment.  (This appointment was original at 9, but Erin needed an emergency root canal and rather than make her get up for the early time, I swapped with her.)  After we had both endured having our mouths tromped through, we went shopping for some accessories to go with her…

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53/365 Sweet Treat

53/365 Sweet Treat

“Truth In Advertising” I don’t know if the prompts this week aren’t inspiring or if my photos are just uninspired, but I am not feeling the photographic love right now.  Maybe this is because I have been at home for two days grading papers and doing laundry.  Perhaps I need to get out into the real world over the weekend.  Whatever the problem, I apologize for the less than exciting pictures. I may just be bitter about today’s prompt being…

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29/365 Circle

29/365 Circle

“Making Yogurt” Some days you just have to take the path of least resistance or simply go with the obvious.  This afternoon I was making our weekly ration of yogurt.  I should have done this two days ago but time got away from me and I didn’t get it done.  As I was pushing the “On” button, I was struck with how many circles were present in the yogurt maker.  The maker itself is round; the lids are round; the…

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27/365 Dislike

27/365 Dislike

“Cookies Are A Sometimes Food” It’s not that I dislike cookies: it’s quite the contrary.  What I dislike is that I like cookies so much and thus eat WAY too many.   I could have photographed mushrooms today, but I dislike them so much I did not even want to take a picture of them.

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