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Category: food

167/365-2 Mobile Home

167/365-2 Mobile Home

“Pizza Not At Home” They say , “Home is where the heart is.”  My heart is with this guy.  He is mobile.  That makes him a mobile home, right? Okay,  I came up empty handed regarding today’s prompt.  We went out for pizza tonight and this is as good as today’s photos got.  Let’s just say that the pizza was a whole lot better than any of the pictures that I took today.

151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

151/365-2 A Vision of Quiet

 “In the Garden” We had a very quiet day today.  Brooke is our of town at the wedding of one of her college roommates and we had a relatively free calendar, which turned out to be a good thing because Weber has been sick all week and he slept for almost five hours this afternoon.   Th dogs were perfectly happy to keep him company while he napped, though they did feel compelled to get up a few times to…

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138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

“Music for Hope” Today was a busy day, but a “good” busy day.  It was one filled with friends, food, family, a little shopping and music.  What it was not filled with was time for today’s photo.  In the few minutes that I was home in between shopping and leaving for the concert at church, I did think to put a generic lens on my camera and put it in my bag “just in case” there was something that would…

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98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

“Say Cheese!” Life seems so busy right now.  I feel like I am pedaling as hard as I can and am still behind the pack.  So when I read that today’s prompt was pull over or slow down and notice the things around you, I just laughed.  Deep down I know that slowing down is not only important but also absolutely necessary to maintaining a healthy body and a healthy spirit, but I can’t always make myself do it.  Case…

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72/365-2 Irish

72/365-2 Irish

“It Ain’t Easy Being Green” What is it about St. Patrick/s Day that makes people think that unnaturally colored food is a good idea?    There is nothing particularly Irish about these bagels other than their greenness;  I just kind of feel sorry for them and thought they needed to be photographed to boost their self confidence.  This is just such a bad dye job!  I am all for green food, but I prefer that the green come from Chlorophyll!

14/365-2 Yummy

14/365-2 Yummy

“An Apple A Day” So the old adage says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  Nowhere does it say in what form the apple should be consumed.  I’m sure there is at least one apple in a slice of apple pie! *Props, also known as tonight’s dessert, courtesy of our resident baker.

332/365 Grateful for My Life

332/365 Grateful for My Life

“The Sweet Spot” I did a terrible job of photographing our Thanksgiving!  I didn’t even pick up my camera until almost all was said and done.  I’m not sure how that happened.  However, in many ways, this picture sums up our Thanksgiving fairly well. Erin appointed herself the mastermind of this year’s celebration.  We all gathered at the house in Denton.  This arrangement took a lot of pressure off of me – no major cleaning!  Erin assigned all of us…

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331/365 Grateful for Home Made

331/365 Grateful for Home Made

“Grateful for Bread” Since Brooke has been home with us, and even more since the girls started their bread baking business, we never have a shortage of freshly baked bread.  For me, the carbohydrate addict, this is like heaven on earth.  I, however, do not take this abundance of bread for granted.  It is a spiritual thing to watch all of the ingredients, separate as they are, come together into these beautiful loaves.  The process is sometimes long and rather…

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319/365 Grateful for Nourishment

319/365 Grateful for Nourishment

“Everyday Nourishment” Everyday, regardless of what else we pack for lunch, there is always an apple.  This was not a conscious decision; I suppose it is a habit that we have formed and neither of us has ever questioned it.  Whoever makes lunches slices an apple for each lunch.  No discussion. We don’t pack any kind of dessert sweets for lunch.  For me, my apple satisfies any desire that I may have for something sweet after lunch.  Honeycrisp apples are…

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