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Category: food

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

329/365-2 Give Thanks for Dessert

“Pignolis for Two” The more appropriate quote to accompany this picture is, “If at first you don’t succeed, eat dessert again.” I spent a lovely day with fellow photographers Michele and Peggy exploring  Delaware’s capital city of Dover.  We walked, talked, listened and took a few photos along the way.  We ate a tasty lunch and then made our way to a quaint little coffee shop to have dessert and accomplish today’s photo prompt.  Dessert was indeed delicious, but my…

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321/365-2 Give Thanks for Comfort Food

321/365-2 Give Thanks for Comfort Food

“Comfort Food” The suggestion with today’s prompt was to photograph a can of soup.  Nothing says comfort like chicken noodle or tomato soup, right?  But, after photographing oatmeal yesterday as my lame response to home cooking, there was no way that I was going to photograph a can of soup today.   Chicken and sausage jambalaya was on the menu tonight…from scratch!  It was warm and hearty and comforting.  Since the intention of today’s prompt was to challenge ourselves to…

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320/365-2 Give Thanks for Home Cookin’

320/365-2 Give Thanks for Home Cookin’

“Oatmeal for Dinner” I am truly chuckling as I post today’s photo…of cooking from scratch???  I do enjoy cooking …from scratch.  I do cook most of our meals…from scratch.  Today just didn’t happen to be one of those days.  After church this morning we had a fantastic lunch with a group of our most treasured friends.  Lunch was delightful and filling.  When dinnertime rolled around, neither of us was particularly hungry.  Finally I decided that I should eat something…and oatmeal…

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317/365-2 Holding On To Memories

317/365-2 Holding On To Memories

“Making Memories of Pumpkin Bread” At this time of year my mom always used to make pumpkin bread, a favorite treat of mine.  When I got married (the first time) she copied by hand many of my favorite recipes from my childhood (and of few of her favorites that have never made it on to my favorites list).  For many years, I pulled the card for the pumpkin bread straight out of the box and used it as it was,…

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226/365-2 Favorite Food

226/365-2 Favorite Food

“Be Fruitful” My problem is that food in general is a favorite!  As long as there are no mushrooms, olives, or shellfish I will eat it.  Coming up with a “favorite” food, therefore, was difficult for me.  After some serious thought, I finally came to the conclusion that if I had a list of favorite foods, fruit would be at the top.  Really…fruit…not chocolate.  If I look at the possibilities reasonably, i realize that fruit serves many purposes; it quenches…

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208/365-2 The Right Tool

208/365-2 The Right Tool

“Fingers” Sometimes your fingers are the best tools around. Brooke made blueberry and nectarine muffins tonight.  The muffins were much better than my photo! We are trying to get ready for another trip to Delaware so I didn’t have much time ti give to this tonight.

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

“A Natural Bond” Today’s prompt was supposed to be all about portraiture, more specifically, portraiture  focusing on the “tradition; attire” of the subject.   I knew that the structure of today did not allow itself to a dedicated portrait session with anyone and I had no hopes of any interesting traditional attire. I am still committed to taking at least one shot of each of the girls every month.  It is nearly the end of June and I had not…

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176/365-2 Fifteen

176/365-2 Fifteen

“A Lucky Fifteen” Sometimes you just have to go with the photo that is right in front of your face, literally.   Creativity and inspiration were low to nonexistent today.  I was relieved when this blog popped up on my computer tonight.  The article has some interesting observations.  If you are interested, here is the link.

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