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Category: food

A Whirlwind Week

A Whirlwind Week

The past week seems to have flown by!  Last weekend we were in Baltimore because I had a NOAH board meeting.  Though it was a quick trip and I had little free time, I enjoyed the getaway and change of scenery.  Weber and I did have a bit of time to wander around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Friday afternoon before my meeting began at 6. It was interesting to see another lightship.  My dad was instrumental in restoring a similar…

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Alone With Me

Alone With Me

Today was just the day I needed!  It was gray and rainy.  Not cold, but that’s okay.  And, I got to stay at home all day!  For most of the day I could hear the falling rain, its rhythm somewhat irregular but comforting nonetheless.  I was up early, made breakfast for Weber, wrote my morning pages, shared a few texts with friends, and then went back to bed for an hour.  The weather encouraged it.  My calendar allowed it.  And,…

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Apples and Tamales

Apples and Tamales

 Today is Food Friday, which means I spent a good part of the day cooking and taking photographs along the way to post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs! Click on over for some tasty apple recipes. I played for a service tonight at the Interfaith Peace Chapel.  It was a Taize service with a celebration of the Transitus of St. Francis.  Both are moving services in their own right, but experiencing them together was exceptionally moving. After the service, a few…

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What’s Been Going On

What’s Been Going On

What the saying?  “Life is what happens while we are busy making plans.”  I made the big pronouncement that my plan was to post here regularly.  I guess the truth is that I don’t yet have enough of a trend to define “regularly” but in my head that meant almost every day if not every day.  And here it is five days since my last post.  So what’s been going on?  Lots, actually. The biggest obstacle to posting has been…

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My Thursday’s are incredibly long days, beginning with my first class at 7:30 am and ending at 4 pm after a final composition lesson.  In between, I teach five different classes and two lessons.  The good news?  Unlike Wednesday’s, I actually have 30 minutes for lunch!  The thing that makes this tiring day tolerable is knowing that it is the end of my work week.  And, I have some awesome students. No one really wants to take (or teach) a…

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98/365-3 Cheers

98/365-3 Cheers

“Amen” Sometimes it is just a little comfort food and an “amen” to the end of a long day rather than “cheers.” Simple things like a good cup of black coffee and graham crackers are a perfect end to the day as far as I am concerned.

96/365-3 Bunch

96/365-3 Bunch

“A Bunch of Good Advice” I love it when the wisdom that I need in that moment comes to me while capturing my daily photo.  This little monkey is my inspiration for today.

45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

45-53/365-3 Another Round of Catching Up

February seems to have whizzed by and I have no idea where it has gone!  All month I have been making lists of things that I need to do and I have actually crossed a goodly number of them off, but it seems that I am adding new things faster than I am removing accomplished tasks and the lists continues to grow.  The good news in all of this is that I have gotten a lot done, both things that…

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23/365-2 On the Third

23/365-2 On the Third

“Cheese” The intended subject for today’s prompt was a landscape.  we were to intentional place the horizon.  A landscape photo was not happening for me today; I had way too many other things to be doing and did not have time to go out looking.  Fortunately, I got a lot of landscape practice last weekend in Delaware. I could have cheated a little and used one of the photos that I took over the weekend.  I was torn between following…

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3/365-3 Open Possibilities

3/365-3 Open Possibilities

“Possibilities” We had a great day with friends today.  We went to see Into the Woods.  I thought it was well adapted to the big screen.  Despite its basis on fairytales, it is not a children’s movie.  Oh wait, fairytales were never really intended for children.  Someone forgot to tell this to the family in the back row with the screaming baby.  They did finally take the unhappy little person out to the lobby.  And then there was the pre-schooler…

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