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Category: Five Fabulous Finds

November Five Fabulous Finds

November Five Fabulous Finds

1. Smoked Cheese In October’s Five Fabulous Finds I mentioned  Michelle Obama’s recipe for macaroni and cheese made with cauliflower that I had slightly modified.  One of those modifications was that I used smoked Gouda.  In the past month I have come to the realization that  I love smoked cheese. – any kind of smoked cheese.  We made butternut squash and crispy kale pizza the other night and used smoked mozzarella.  It was awesome!  Brooke then made leak bread pudding…

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October Five Fabulous Finds

October Five Fabulous Finds

1. Cauliflower Mac and Cheese Sometimes you have had a hard day and all you want to eat is some good old-fashioned comfort food.  You try to combat these urges by telling yourself, “I will really regret it if I eat a huge plate of cheese fries or a big bowl of mashed potatoes or a whole batch of chocolate chip cookies.”  And then, you open the refrigerator and you see two big heads of cauliflower staring at you.  They…

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September’s Five Fabulous Finds

September’s Five Fabulous Finds

Pencil Case ( I am a sucker for pens and pencils.  I like to have certain writing implements for certain writing tasks.  This means that I usually have a selection of such with me – gel pens for journaling (black or blue), purple pens for grading (red is too harsh), highlighters  (yellow and green), Tricondaroga pencils (that necessitate their own sharpeners because they are triangular) . . .you get the picture.  Then there are the paper clips, sticky notes, thumb…

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July’s Five Fabulous Finds

July’s Five Fabulous Finds

Chooze Shoes A few weeks ago we were wandering around REI.  My attention was drawn to a rack of what turned out to be brightly colored children’s shoes.  These canvas shoes came in lots of multi-colored patterns.  As I looked more closely, I realized that the right and left shoes did not absolutely match each other in pattern; they complimented one another – very nicely.  I stood there looking through all of the choices secretly wishing that they came in…

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June’s Five Fabulous Finds

June’s Five Fabulous Finds

Zum Clean We make a conscious effort to use household items that are environmentally friendly.  For me, one of the most difficult places to implement this was with laundry detergent.  This is not because such a product is hard to find; there are many earth-friendly detergents on the market.  The problem for me is that I have this thing about the way the detergent, well really my clothes, smell.  I want them to smell good.  Seemingly I have different ideas…

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May’s Five Fabulous Finds

May’s Five Fabulous Finds

NOAH NOAH is the National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-pigmentation.  The group’s purpose is to provide support education and research with regard to albinism as well as to create a community for individuals and families whose lives are impacted by albinism.  By the time NOAH was founded in 1982, I had made it through grade school and graduated from college.  I had successfully maneuvered the challenges of albinism somehow on my own.  I did not discover this organization until a…

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April’s Five Fabulous Finds

April’s Five Fabulous Finds

RENTTHERUNWAY Anyone who knows me knows that fashion is not my deal.  A comfy pair of jeans and an over-sized shirt are my idea of personal style.  So why did I include this, a website where one goes to rent designer dresses, as one of my Five Fabulous Finds this month?  Sometimes it is fun to venture into foreign lands even if we feel a little ridiculous doing so.  Offspring No. 1 introduced me to RENTTHE RUNWAY.  She is a fashion…

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March’s Five Fabulous Finds

March’s Five Fabulous Finds

I just realized that I apparently have commitment issues! You may remember that back on the 29th of February, despite having stayed home from school that day because I was really pretty sick, I proclaimed that I was going to start a “regular” post at the end of each month entitled “Five Fabulous Finds.” Well, it is now the third day of April and you may have noticed that the month of March has passed by and I failed to…

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Five Fabulous Finds

Five Fabulous Finds

For whatever reason, during this month I have been introduced to several things that I have though were just really cool. Most of them are not new to anyone but me. That’s OK. I thought it would be fun to share my fabulous finds here. Maybe some of you have also led a sheltered life and will find some of these things new and exciting as well. My original title for this post was “Five Fabulous February Finds”. As I…

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