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Category: family

166/365 From the Side

166/365 From the Side

‘Close Your Eyes, Mom!” I am definitely not skilled at applying make-up, especially the overdone make-up that is necessary when one is on stage under bright stage lights.  I had to enlist the girls as both consultants as to what to do and then have the do the application as well.  It took both of them working their magic to get it done. Today’s prompt’s title is a little misleading.  Though it only says from the side, the additional instructions…

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161/365 Something Found

161/365 Something Found

“Birthday Boy and His Book” Though today was Weber’s birthday, there wasn’t much celebrating around here.  He is not much of a party guy.  Brooke made a small cake – orange spice with fig jam between the layers and we went out to our favorite Italian dive restaurant for dinner.  The birthday gifts were equally as low key.  I did find a copy of The Gospel According to Peanuts, a book that he had had previously that went missing.

156/354 Documented

156/354 Documented

“Lunchtime Wimp” I am a wimp . . . and this is my lunch. I am teaching Summer I this year and today was the first day of school.  I have classes from 9:40-11:40 and 11:50-1:50/  Last night I was whining about the fact that I have no time for lunch.   When I got up this morning, I found these “power” muffins that Brooks had made for me.  They are full of oatmeal, oat bran, flaxseed and blueberries all…

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155/365 Negative Space

155/365 Negative Space

“The Daily Grind” Weber’s dad was an attorney for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.  This pencil sharpener, which is probably nearly as old as I am,  sat on his desk at work.  It now sits on ours at home.  This is a great pencil sharpener!  It’s sturdy and its little knob on the handle is real wood!  There is no plastic or parts to burn out  on this.  And, its opening is big enough for Weber’s “My First Ticonderoga” pencil –…

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153/365 Converted

153/365 Converted

“Let Me Entertain You” All the kids were here for dinner tonight.  I didn’t have to cook a thing!  I did, however, have to clean the kitchen, but I would have had to do that if I had cooked so it worked out well. In the process of the evening’s discussion, Offspring No. 2, who works in childcare, was ranting about how kids these days can’t entertain themselves for more than thirty seconds at a time.  The girls were remembering…

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149/365 A Smile

149/365 A Smile

“A Family That Smiles Together . . . .” Today was a great day to capture smiles at our house.  Brooke is home with us to stay.  Yah!  We spent her first day back shopping and eating.  What better way to celebrate a homecoming?  Before Erin and Edgar headed off to work this evening, all three of the kids agreed to help me out with today’s prompt.  It was even fairly easy to get Brooke in front of the camera….

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147/365 Catch Phrase

147/365 Catch Phrase

“Wisdom for Today” I don’t know that this is truly fitting for a catch phrase, but it is the quote that came in my daily email of meditations.  I like it a lot and find it to be true for so many people.  It also gave me an appropriate opportunity to photograph my new Lego clown.  My apologies to Erin and Weber; I know how you two feel about clowns. How much different would our lives be if we all…

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146/365 In the Kitchen

146/365 In the Kitchen

“A Clean Kitchen:” Today’s prompt asked us to focus on what goes on in the kitchen – food being prepared, consumed or just displayed.  As you can see, nothing is going on in our kitchen today; that is the point of my photo.  At this moment, the kitchen is clean.  There is nothing being prepared, cooked or eaten.  This is definitely not its normal state.  Though it is usually clean with regard to sanitation standards (except for an occasional cat…

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117/365 Fresh

117/365 Fresh

“Saturday in the Park” Getting a little fresh air during a family picnic in the park this afternoon.  We also had quite a bit of fresh food.  I have more pictures to post, but I am too tired to do it tonight; hopefully I can get it done tomorrow.  For now, here is one more . . .doesn’t everyone go on a picnic so that they can sit in the park and do the NY Times crossword puzzle? “Picnic Puzzle”

108/365 Passed Down

108/365 Passed Down

“A Love of Reading” Pictured here is a first edition of Robin Hood given to Weber’s father in 1924.  Weber remembers his dad reading it to him when he was a little boy.  The oil lamp has also been in Weber’s family for a long, long time.  He thinks that it once belonged to his great-great, or maybe great-great-great aunt.  Either way, it has been around a good long while.  I love having all these pieces of family history as part…

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