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Category: family

164/365-2 Dangerous

164/365-2 Dangerous

“The lightship Overfalls” This image doesn’t represent dangerous, but somewhat the opposite.  Lightships, no longer operational, were once used as floating lighthouses warning sailors of dangers on the water.  This one has been restored as a historical and now is open for public tours  My dad was integral in securing grants to support its restoration as well as having the Overfalls recognized as a National Historic Landmark. If you’d like to know more, click here.

161/365-2 Staycation

161/365-2 Staycation

“Birthday Boy” Today was Weber’s birthday.  I’d like to say that it was an exciting day of celebration, but that would be a lie.  We ran some errands this morning – Walgreens for prescriptions,  Sams for cases of green beans for the dog and Target for something that I can’t even remember.  Then it was a quiet afternoon at home.  Weber spent some time reading his “birthday book.”  I looked back at his birthday photo from last year in which…

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140/365-2 Devotion

140/365-2 Devotion

“Hopelessly Devoted” It is hard to believe that Adidas is almost ten.  It seems like it was only yesterday that he was a phone stealing puppy.  He was intended to be the kids’ dog, but he has been a mama’s boy from the beginning.  He and I have been through a lot together.  I know he would go to extremes to protect me. When Weber and I got married, Adidas was not sure that he wanted to share.  Whenever Weber…

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139/365-2 Where I Stand – May

139/365-2 Where I Stand – May

“Questions” Today was my first day of my summer break.  I turned all of my grades in Friday afternoon, but today was the first day that I should have gone to work that I didn’t.  It was a pretty awesome day! I got up with Weber and for a change, I made breakfast and his lunch.  When we both leave in the morning, he does both of these chores because I am much slower with my morning routine.  After he…

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138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

138/365-2 A Vision of Hope

“Music for Hope” Today was a busy day, but a “good” busy day.  It was one filled with friends, food, family, a little shopping and music.  What it was not filled with was time for today’s photo.  In the few minutes that I was home in between shopping and leaving for the concert at church, I did think to put a generic lens on my camera and put it in my bag “just in case” there was something that would…

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116/365-2 Thoughtful

116/365-2 Thoughtful

“Thoughtful” Today was a good day.  We slept until 9:00, making up from the three hours of sleep the night before. We had a leisurely breakfast and talked with my dad for awhile.  He had a friend coming over so we made a quick trip to the outlet mall and the grocery store.  After bringing the groceries home, we walked up to town and I did a little more shopping while Weber people watched from a bench outside.  He did…

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110/365-2 Gathered

110/365-2 Gathered

“Happy Easter” This year’s Lenten journey was a meaningful one for me, filled with much opportunity for prayer and reflection.  That makes the Holy Week liturgies all the more meaningful and the celebration of Christ’s resurrection a time of pure joy.  All that said, by the time I had sung the seventh service in five days, three of which in a period of sixteen hours, I was exhausted.   We did have a family gathering for lunch after the second…

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98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

98/365-2 Pull Over/Slow Down

“Say Cheese!” Life seems so busy right now.  I feel like I am pedaling as hard as I can and am still behind the pack.  So when I read that today’s prompt was pull over or slow down and notice the things around you, I just laughed.  Deep down I know that slowing down is not only important but also absolutely necessary to maintaining a healthy body and a healthy spirit, but I can’t always make myself do it.  Case…

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61/365 The Cat in the Hat

61/365 The Cat in the Hat

“My Hero” Today is the birthday of two influential people in my life – Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) and my grandfather.  Both men were born on March 2, 1904. Dr. Seuss has been a part of children’s lives for many years since the introduction of the Cat in the Hat and his antics in 1957.    My first book club membership, when I was three or so, was for Dr. Seuss books.  To this day, they are still some of…

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