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Category: family

235/365-2 August Portrait

235/365-2 August Portrait

“Double Header” For the first time since 1992, no one our house needs back to school clothes.  (Weber and I consider it back to work clothes.)  And now, both of the girls are working.  That didn’t keep us from shopping, though.  The girls and I had a nice afternoon at the mall.  We managed to find some pretty good deals!  They honored me with a very quick photo shoot when we got back to the house. “Erin in August” “Brooke…

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208/365-2 The Right Tool

208/365-2 The Right Tool

“Fingers” Sometimes your fingers are the best tools around. Brooke made blueberry and nectarine muffins tonight.  The muffins were much better than my photo! We are trying to get ready for another trip to Delaware so I didn’t have much time ti give to this tonight.

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

179/365-2 Traditional Attire; June Portrait

“A Natural Bond” Today’s prompt was supposed to be all about portraiture, more specifically, portraiture  focusing on the “tradition; attire” of the subject.   I knew that the structure of today did not allow itself to a dedicated portrait session with anyone and I had no hopes of any interesting traditional attire. I am still committed to taking at least one shot of each of the girls every month.  It is nearly the end of June and I had not…

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173/365-2 Summer Silhouette

173/365-2 Summer Silhouette

‘Tonight” Tonight is our last night in Delaware for this trip.  We are leaving in the morning to head for Charlotte, NC, where we will spend a day with some of my closest friends from college.  We haven’t seen one another in twenty-five years or so.  I am looking forward to our reunion.  This excitement is tempered a little by the fact that my dad has not bounced back yet from whatever the infection is that knocked him down yesterday….

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172/365-2 Solstice

172/365-2 Solstice

“A Long Day” Today was a indeed a long day, one that did not go exactly as planned, which really is how most of life goes.  What’s that quote: “lLife is what happens while we are busy making plans.”   We began  our morning in the ER with dad because he was running a fever.  After lots of blood work and a chest X-ray, it was determined that that he has an infection at an IV site.  That, on top…

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171/365-2 Where I Stand

171/365-2 Where I Stand

“Standing in the Park” This is a plaque in the park outside the Lewes Chamber of Commerce.  It recognizes a tree that was planted in memory of my mom. I am too tired to write much more as we got up at 4:30 to go to the beach and watch the sunrise and then had a full day with family. This was taken about 5:40am.

170/365-2 Historical Landmark

170/365-2 Historical Landmark

“This Old House” This house was built in 1760 to be the home of a Delaware river pilot.  For two hundred years it would serve as the home for three different river pilots and their families.  In 1964, my grandparents bought it and “modernized” it.  They added oil heat, electricity, and indoor plumbing.  The outhouse, however, is still in the back garden. My dad now lives here.  Though my parents moved in in 1998, I have always thought of this…

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169/365-2 A Field Trip

169/365-2 A Field Trip

“A New Addition” It was too hot in Delaware today for any extended field trips.  The best we could do was walk to the pub up the street for lunch and some air conditioning.  On our way home, we were lured into a store along the way by this furry orange and blue critter.  He wanted a home.  We were not convinced that we were the right ones to give him a home, but he was.  Why?  He said it…

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167/365-2 Mobile Home

167/365-2 Mobile Home

“Pizza Not At Home” They say , “Home is where the heart is.”  My heart is with this guy.  He is mobile.  That makes him a mobile home, right? Okay,  I came up empty handed regarding today’s prompt.  We went out for pizza tonight and this is as good as today’s photos got.  Let’s just say that the pizza was a whole lot better than any of the pictures that I took today.

166/365-2 Dear Old Dad

166/365-2 Dear Old Dad

‘Father’s Day 2014″ I warned dad that he had the honor of being the subject of today’s POTD.  His response, “When did you decide to make it your mission in life to embarrass me?” My response, “Um…December 28, 1961.”  I  ended up taking paparazzi shots so none of them are very good technically or compositionally; however, this is perfect in the more important ways.   Dad is sitting in his chair doing the day’s puzzles from the newspaper like he…

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