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Category: family

Random Thanksgiving Leftovers

Random Thanksgiving Leftovers

As it’s title suggests, this post contains random thoughts and pictures from our Thanksgiving Day. There is almost nothing better than homemade bread – kneading it, smelling it as it cooks and, of course, eating it..  Brooke made black pepper bread for her leek bread pudding and also made us a few extra buns to freeze and save for later.  Erin was in charge of the mashed potatoes.  She has the task of making the potatoes down – and the…

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A Different Thanksgiving

A Different Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has never been one of my favorite celebrations.  This is not because I have something against giving thanks or expressing gratitude for all the blessings that I have been given; it is because the sentiment behind Thanksgiving has been buried amidst parades, football, shopping and way too much food.  Hours and hours are spent preparing various dishes for a meal that takes twenty minutes to consume and which is then followed by hours and hours packaging leftovers and washing…

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A Fair Day

A Fair Day

For some reason, I seem to be exhausted by the end of the school week. It’s not like I am over-extending myself. In fact, there are several things that I want and need to do that just haven’t gotten done because I run out of steam by the time I have accomplished all the things that have to be done. Despite being tired and wishing for a day that didn’t start before 10 am, we decided to go to the…

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Cookbook Confirmation

Cookbook Confirmation

They (whoever “they” is) say that the way to a man’s heart is through is stomach.  I’ve also heard it said that men want to marry someone just like their mother.  One conclusion that can be made from these two things is that men want a woman who cooks just like mom did.  In this era of frozen and packaged foods and three ingredient recipes, this is a tall order for modern young women. I am definitely not a young…

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History In Recipes

History In Recipes

At Mother’s Day I wrote a post lamenting the fact that I had never met my mother-in-law.  As Weber remembers stories about her he shares them with me.  And as we unpack more boxes at the house, things that she owned, made, and collected are surfacing.  With each discovery comes another opportunity to come to know a woman whom I greatly admire and will never meet. Today’s discovery was her cookbook.  You know the one; we all have one just…

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