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Category: family

98/365 Pastel

98/365 Pastel

“Los Pasteles” Accomplishing today’s prompt was a family affair.  I was whining about not having anything pastel to photograph.  I am definitely a bright colors kind of girl.  Weber, the sometimes Spanish teacher said, “Pastel means cake in Spanish.”  Brooke, the pastry chef said, “I can make cake.”  Me, the photographer said, “I can take pictures of cake.”  So here you have it – los pasteles with pastel strawberry, blueberry and matcha icing.

Personalized Pot Pies

Personalized Pot Pies

For some reason, this week has turned out to be the week from hell.  There just doesn’t seem to be enough time or energy to get everything done that needs to be done.  It is REALLY nice to have Brooke here to cook for us.  If she had not been here today I suspect that dinner would have consisted of leftover Easter candy.  But, since she was here, we had a very good dinner. Brooke decided that she was going…

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64/365 Lucky

64/365 Lucky

“Elephants and Family” I am always amazed at the things I learn about myself when I am considering the daily photo prompts.  Today I realized that I don’t ever think about luck or being lucky.  I don’t have any tokens or trinkets that I think bring me luck.  I am not particularly superstitious.  I am not a risk taker.  All this made me realize that I was at a loss as to what to photograph today.  It also made me…

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56/365 A Cup Of . . .

56/365 A Cup Of . . .

“Measure Of Love” It is funny the things to which you find yourself drawn.  This tin measuring cup belonged to Weber’s mom.  Though I never knew her, I hear Weber’s stories, read recipes written in her hand and hold this measuring cup and somehow feel like maybe I do know her.  Both the blessing and the curse of marrying at fifty years old, plus or minus a few years, is that neither of us had to deal with mother-in-laws.  It…

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26/365 Passion

26/365 Passion

Passion for Rehearsing” It feels good to say that there are many things in life that I am truly passionate about.  However, when it came time to address “passion” photographically, I wasn’t sure where to go with it.  I am passionate about teaching, about music, about knitting, and about photography.  I couldn’t decide how to create an image of any of those things that would intentionally convey the same level of passion that I feel for them. I had a…

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17/365 A Favorite Toy

17/365 A Favorite Toy

“Teddy” This well-loved bear was given to my mother when she was born in 1938.  As a child, the first thing that I would do when we visited my grandparents, which was usually only every year or two, was go find “Teddy.”  He was always in the same chair, in the same corner, in the same room.  He was a constant companion while I was visiting Delaware. He now lives with me.  He sits in his chair, which was my…

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No. 2 is 20

No. 2 is 20

Twenty years ago on this day, I had thirty-some staples in my abdomen, a horrific spinal headache and a brand new baby girl.  Today we celebrated Erin’s twentieth birthday – and the fact that I have successfully raised all of my offspring through the teenage years. (This post is tagged with teenagers.  I guess it will be the last time I use it for a good long while.)Erin is one for establishing and maintaining traditions.  Unfortunately, at least one of her traditions…

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No. 1 is 23

No. 1 is 23

Twenty three years ago on this day I had thirty-some staples in my abdomen, a horrific spinal headache, and a brand new baby girl.  Today we celebrated Brooke’s 23rd birthday. As is the case with most everything involving Brooke, how she chose to spend her birthday was somewhat atypical. The day began by her making a batch of molasses cookies – not for herself, but for the rest of us.  I learned that the last thing that a pastry chef…

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An Afternoon at the Park

An Afternoon at the Park

When the girls were little, we went to the park several times a week.  (That was back when it was OK for kids to play in the dirt and before there were hand sanitizer dispensers on every corner and .)  It has been a long time since I have spent an afternoon playing at the park with one of the girls. “I want to go play.  Am I too old to go swing and slide? “Nope. I just look like I’m too old to…

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Not-so-baby Pictures

Not-so-baby Pictures

I have enjoyed having both of the girls around for Thanksgiving.  The older they get, the less often this happens.  On Thanksgiving Day we made plans to “do something” today.  As it turned out, “something” meant the kids watched Top Chef Just Desserts while Weber and I finished putting up the outdoor Christmas lights.  Erin had also asked that I take some pictures of her and Edgar.  Late this afternoon, a little too late as it turned out, the kids…

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