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Category: cooking

The Gift of Soy Sauce

The Gift of Soy Sauce

Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To give the poor dog a bone; But when she got there The cupboard was attacked by a full bottle of soy sauce That made a big mess and kicked her in the rear.   Okay…It wasn’t Mother Hubbard or a cupboard.  It was me and my pantry.  But, the soy sauce and the big mess are truth! Most days I have to laugh at the universe’s incredible sense of humor and how…

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Power Food

Power Food

No fifty-something year old woman with no children or grandchildren around and who is fairly competent in the kitchen should be making a special trip to the grocery store to buy cream cheese, pretzels, Cool Whip, and Jello, all to be used in the same recipe…and be excited about it.  But, this is exactly where I find myself today.  I partially blame my Sifted Together blog buddy, Tracey, for this predicament in which I find myself.  She gave me a…

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About the Pot

About the Pot

I ordered a new pot last week…a four quart dutch oven.  I’m not sure why I ordered a new dutch oven other than it was on sale and it is a pretty blue.  I don’t have a dutch oven and I make a lot of meals that could be prepared in a dutch oven, but I do have lots of sauce pans and stew pots that have served me quite well up until now, so I could have easily done…

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21/365-2 Play or Meal?

21/365-2 Play or Meal?

Geodesic Gnome Dome Food photography is not my forte.  And, I am a firm believer that bad food photography is the worst kind of bad photography.  Every time a prompt surfaces that involves food, I tend to think, think, rethink, and overthink…as was the case today.  To make matters worse, today’s prompt implied that the food shot should be a clever…oh great. I thought about it for awhile.  The picture below is my response.  It is a take on something…

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248/365-2 From Scratch

248/365-2 From Scratch

“Scads of Scones from Scratch” Brooke spent all day , and night, Friday making cones and teacakes for 120 people for an event being held at the library.  This look has more to do with me shoving the camera in her face than it does having to make 240 scones.

Nothing Beets A Good Friend!

Nothing Beets A Good Friend!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the fact that I had beets that I didn’t know how to cook and was fairly sure that I wouldn’t like them even if I did know how to cook them. I asked for suggestions from any of you who may have a better relationship with beets than I do. As is usually the case when I make such pleas, at least one of you always comes through. This time it is a…

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Seasonal Saturday

Seasonal Saturday

Saturday is usually the day when we don’t have to set an alarm. For that reason alone, Saturday is my favorite day of the week. Today we had to set an alarm but this Saturday is still my favorite day of the week. We had to be up reasonably early to run an important errand. Last Saturday, when we did not set an alarm and were not up and out of the house early and were still in our PJ’s…

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Cookbook Confirmation

Cookbook Confirmation

They (whoever “they” is) say that the way to a man’s heart is through is stomach.  I’ve also heard it said that men want to marry someone just like their mother.  One conclusion that can be made from these two things is that men want a woman who cooks just like mom did.  In this era of frozen and packaged foods and three ingredient recipes, this is a tall order for modern young women. I am definitely not a young…

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History In Recipes

History In Recipes

At Mother’s Day I wrote a post lamenting the fact that I had never met my mother-in-law.  As Weber remembers stories about her he shares them with me.  And as we unpack more boxes at the house, things that she owned, made, and collected are surfacing.  With each discovery comes another opportunity to come to know a woman whom I greatly admire and will never meet. Today’s discovery was her cookbook.  You know the one; we all have one just…

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