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Category: Christmas

Christmas Unwrapped

Christmas Unwrapped

 Just as quickly as it came, Christmas is now over.  I received an email advertisement today telling me that it is not too early to start preparing for Christmas 2013.  Seriously?  Has our society become so obsessed with disposable items that once the gifts are unwrapped and the calendar page turned to December 26 the day is gone?  I feel sorry for those for whom this is the case.  For us, the memories will live on allowing us to keep…

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A Visit from . . .

A Visit from . . .

Twas the night before Christmas,when all through the housenot a creature was stirring,not even a mouse . . . “That’s what they think!” Merry Christmas to all  and to all a good night.

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Just to state the obvious, photography is my new passion.  I am definitely an amateur, but I dream about getting better.  I dream about what it would be like to be really good at taking pictures.  I dream about what the life of a professional photographer might be like – the people you’d meet, the beautiful scenery you’d visit, the gift of looking at every day with new eyes.  I will never be a professional.  I will keep studying and…

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The Cat Is Out Of The Bag “Do I look like I care that you are not supposed to peek in shopping bags during this time of year?”

It’s A Girl, It’s A Girl, It’s A Boy, It’s A Girl, It’s Almost 2012

It’s A Girl, It’s A Girl, It’s A Boy, It’s A Girl, It’s Almost 2012

As I write this, we have survived the celebration of four birthdays in the last week – my two girls, me, and Jesus. That is a lot of celebrating even when you do it all rather simply. Our season of celebration began with the arrival of Offspring No. 1 from Chicago. She is home with us for three weeks. For me, this alone is reason to celebrate; she has not been home for an extended stay in a while. This…

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Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

t is December 26th and I have emerged from beneath the Christmas rubble into the after-Christmas haze. The empty boxes, shreds of wrapping paper and abandoned bows have all made their way to the trash, most of the gifts are resting comfortably in their new homes, and the holiday leftovers have been tucked away in the refrigerator. We tried to keep things simple and low-key, but that is not the way things looked around here yesterday. When you have seven…

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Sights and Sounds of Christmas

Sights and Sounds of Christmas

The semester is over! At exactly 4:14 Thursday afternoon I turned in my grades. What have I been doing since then? I’m not really sure. All I know is that we have made three trips to the airport in the last twenty four hours; everyone is coming home for the Christmas break and I have done very little, well actually, I have done nothing to get ready for the holidays. In an effort to remedy that sad situation, we went…

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Seeing Red

Seeing Red

On Christmas Eve day, before the blizzard that gave North Texas its first white Christmas in eighty three years hit, Erin and I were walking through the china department of Dillards department store. Though the store employees were obviously preparing for the after Christmas sales and the decimation of the 2009 Christmas season, the tables in this section of the store were still adorned with red holiday tablecloths, silk flower arrangements embellished with spray painted gold pinecones, and fancy Christmas-patterned…

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