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Category: Christmas

What’s Really Important

What’s Really Important

I never quite made it totally to Christmas this year.  I loved Advent, that time of waiting, of reflection,  of trying to not get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas.  I “did” Advent so well that I didn’t even get the Christmas tree put up until December 20th.  And by that time, other than some outdoor lights on the front porch, I wasn’t inspired to do any other decorating.  Usually I seriously decorate the mantel and hearth, as well…

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Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

Christmas has come and gone.  In Texas, at least for us, it was the calm before the storm.  The Dallas area had devastating tornadoes last night, one of which contained 200 mph winds, that left eleven people dead and massive property damage that has not yet been fully assessed.  Though the tornado sirens sounded for us and we had a plan for taking shelter, we never moved from our positions  in front of the TV where we were watching the…

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The Road Toward Christmas

The Road Toward Christmas

It was Thanksgiving when I last wrote and now we are only seven days away from Christmas.  Over these last three weeks there were days that seemed to go on forever – mainly those where I was so tired that all I could think of was a nap; but for the most part, time has whizzed by.  Until the last week, I wasn’t sure that I was going to get my act together for Christmas.  There were moments over these…

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22/365-3 Color Blocking

22/365-3 Color Blocking

“My New Jacket” For Christmas I asked for a North Face Denali jacket.  I didn’t specify a color, but anyone willing to spend the money to buy me this jacket knows me well enough to know that I would definitely want blue.  In doing his Christmas shopping, Weber discover that North Face has an option where you can design your own jacket – choose the polar fleece color, the nylon, the zippers, the stitching, and they include an embroidered personal…

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21/365-2 Play or Meal?

21/365-2 Play or Meal?

Geodesic Gnome Dome Food photography is not my forte.  And, I am a firm believer that bad food photography is the worst kind of bad photography.  Every time a prompt surfaces that involves food, I tend to think, think, rethink, and overthink…as was the case today.  To make matters worse, today’s prompt implied that the food shot should be a clever…oh great. I thought about it for awhile.  The picture below is my response.  It is a take on something…

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359/365-2 The Aftermath

359/365-2 The Aftermath

“Nap Time!” Another Christmas tradition around our house is that after brunch has been eaten and gifts have been opened Harley and Weber climb up in the recliner and have a Christmas nap.  I think there is a similar picture to this one from almost every Christmas day that these two have shared. This image is not particularly “Christmassy” in and of itself, so here is a second look at the aftermath of our Christmas morning. We had a wonderful…

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358/365-2 Naughty or Nice

358/365-2 Naughty or Nice

“You Decide.” I was drawn to this image of Erin that was taken on her birthday.  For someone reason, to me it is perfect for “naughty or nice.” We had a somewhat less frantic Christmas eve than usually.  I did get everything wrapped, chili made for Christmas day, and some cleaning done, but I decided that some cleaning just was not going to get done.  That’s why they make doors that close. Church was a nice change this year.  I…

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357/365-2 Sad Santa

357/365-2 Sad Santa

“Guard Dog” He wouldn’t wear a Santa hat, but Adidas has his serious “sad lab face” on.  He feels it necessary to guard the gifts that are under the tree.  It is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

355/365-2 In the Kitchen

355/365-2 In the Kitchen

‘Santa????” I forgot to post this here yesterday because I posted it on Facebook early in the day thinking I would take a more appropriate photo for my official photo of the day.  That didn’t happen so this is it.  What does it have to do with “in the kitchen?” About the only thing is that this silly idea was hatched and planned while standing in the kitchen.  And no, we had not been sipping on the eggnog.

354/365-2 With the Tree

354/365-2 With the Tree

“O’ Christmas Tree!” You may notice that there are no ornaments on the lower branches of the tree nor are there any gifts under the tree.  The absence of both of these things is due to the presence of the cat with/in/under the Christmas tree.

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