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Category: Capture Your 365

8/365 Discouraging Birds

8/365 Discouraging Birds

“Discouraging Birds” This title may be a little misleading.  The prompt for today was discouraging.  The birds here are not discouraging.  I was discouraged by the picture that I took of them. This afternoon, Brooke and I heard this great commotion outside.  I looked out the from door to see what could have been a scene from Hitchcock’s “The Birds.”  There were thousands and thousands of birds everywhere – on the ground in the trees, on rooftops, in the air….

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7/365 Movement

7/365 Movement

“Embroidering Baptismal Stoles” This was not my “official” picture but it does have its own sense of movement. “Go With the Flow”

6/365 With Words

6/365 With Words

“Words Not Required” Despite the fact fact that I am a musician by profession, I very rarely write about music here.  I’m not really sure why that is.  Perhaps it is because music is such a huge part of who I am that writing about it is like writing about stop signs or lane dividers on the road way; certainly every knows what it is and whit is here.  That is probably a terribly naive and unrealistic perspective on my part….

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5/365 Colorful Food

5/365 Colorful Food

“Friends Shouldn’t Let Friends Play With Their Food” You would think that with all of the beautiful food that we have around here that I should have been able to take a serious photo of some nicely prepped if not nicely plated food.  As you can see, that didn’t happen.  Sometimes you just have to follow the muse, or whatever it is that causes one to do such things with perfectly innocent fruits and vegetables. I hope that something about…

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4/365 Fur

4/365 Fur

“Fur” Harley definitely has the most interesting fur of all of our furry family members so the above picture is my “official” picture of the day.  However, I can’t play favorites.  Adidas wanted his picture taken too so I posted them both.  He has handsome fur don’t you think? “Fur #2”

3/365 Repetition

3/365 Repetition

“Repetition” Repetition is one of those words that conjures up both positive and negative feelings.  People talk about the repetitive nature of their jobs and that usually makes its way to them saying that their job is boring.  The message here: repetitiveness = boredom.  Yet, repetition also creates comfort, security and a sense of well-being. Babies like the repetitive motion of being rocked.  Adults like routine to their day whether they want to admit it or not.  And, engaging in…

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2/365 New Beginnings

2/365 New Beginnings

New Beginnings In case you haven’t figured this out by now,  today’s photo prompt was new beginnings.  I had been thinking about what I might photograph today that might give this prompt somewhat of a creative twist.  I had come up with a few ideas for “set-up” pictures, but then I went to visit a friend.  She is fostering this revues feral kitten until a permanent home is found for her.  Once I looked into these pleading eyes, eyes that…

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1/365 Purpose

1/365 Purpose

“Purpose” We still receive an actual newspaper at our house.  Mornings just wouldn’t seem right without that trek down the from sidewalk to gather up the Dallas Morning News before sitting down at the table with a cup of coffee and a bowl of yogurt or oatmeal.  Reading the paper before heading to school in the mornings gives us at least a sense of what is going on in the world before we walk head-on out into it.  And on…

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