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Category: Capture Your 365

18/365 Doorway

18/365 Doorway

“1900’s Texas Ranch House” I struggled with what to do today.  I do have a fascination with doors and windows.  I particularly love the colorful ones found on many of the buildings in New Mexico.  That is the image I had in my head and I could think of nothing close that was even comparable. I then remembered a picture I had taken when we were in Assisi back in 2009.  It too is full of color. I spent the…

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17/365 A Favorite Toy

17/365 A Favorite Toy

“Teddy” This well-loved bear was given to my mother when she was born in 1938.  As a child, the first thing that I would do when we visited my grandparents, which was usually only every year or two, was go find “Teddy.”  He was always in the same chair, in the same corner, in the same room.  He was a constant companion while I was visiting Delaware. He now lives with me.  He sits in his chair, which was my…

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16/365 Jumbled

16/365 Jumbled

“The Last of the Birthday Flowers” On a photography blog today I saw the following paraphrase of a quote, possibly by Berenice Abbott: I never take the photograph I intended; they are either better or worse. This sums up today’s picture taking perfectly.  I had planned to spend the day at the knit shop today since I am fast approaching going back to school and my opportunity to do this will be virtually non-existent..  Since today’s photo prompt was “jumbled”…

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15/365 Nuts

15/365 Nuts

“Bur Oak Trio in the Snow” To our surprise, we awoke to a light dusting of snow his morning.  It was the kind of snow that was really pretty.  The kind that makes the leaves glisten.  The kind that makes everything seem more quiet than it really is.  There were some overpasses on the highways that were icy, but for the most part the roads were clear. To me these bur oak acorns look like little faces all bundled up…

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14/365 Low Light

14/365 Low Light

“A Kiss in the Dark” Photographing in low light was the day’s task.  Knowing that I wasn’t going anywhere this evening, I figured that I would take some kind of set-up shot.  I had put Hershey’s kisses in Erin’s lunch this afternoon so the kisses came to mind as I was deciding what to try.  I like the above picture compositionally.  The lighting almost makes it look like the kiss is floating in chocolate.  I handheld the camera because I…

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13/365 A Diversion

13/365 A Diversion

“What Do These Things Have In Common?” Today’s official prompt was ” a stranger’s smile.”  As you can see, that is not what I photographed. Weber is having his first ever colonoscopy tomorrow.  Thus, we were at home today.  Everyone says that the prep is the worst part.  So far, he says that it has not been too bad; he is about done drinking ‘that stuff” so the fact that he is doing this well is a good sign. The…

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12/365 Self Portrait

12/365 Self Portrait

“Us” So, I cheated today.  This is a self portrait.  And, I did take the picture – just not today.  I originally posted it here back in November. For several reasons, today’s prompt that called for a self portrait was more than I could grasp today: I HATE to have my picture taken – by me or by anyone else. Pictures of me always look terrible.  Or, maybe the pictures just prove a reality I don’t want to face. I…

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11/365 Climbing

11/365 Climbing

“Contrails” I went outside this morning to say good-bye to Weber as he left for school.  I looked up to the morning sky and saw the beautiful contrails left by jets flying in and out of Love Field.  Remembering today’s photo prompt, climbing, I headed inside to get my camera.  I love the morning sky with its hints of pink and orange.   I’m glad this image presented itself.  My only other thoughts for the day’s prompt was to catch…

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10/365 Trash Collection

10/365 Trash Collection

“Real Life Trash Collection” Today’s photo prompt was “real life.”  That has so many possibilities!   The other day when the prompt was “movement” and I had no idea where I was going with that, I was sitting at the dining room table drinking my morning coffee as the trash truck came.  We had the last of our Christmas trash out so the pile was bigger than usual.  I watched as the men tossed the boxes into the truck with…

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