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Category: Capture Your 365

28/365 Sunset

28/365 Sunset

“At Sunset” Beautiful sunsets are not uncommon around here, but today, when the prompt was “sunset”, there was no sun to be found.  During the golden hour the sky was blanketed in heavy gray clouds being blown around by some fairly strong winds.  I had two choices for today’s picture.  I could have dug through past images and found a sunset picture to satisfy the day’s topic; or, I could take a picture that reflected my day today.  I opted…

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27/365 Dislike

27/365 Dislike

“Cookies Are A Sometimes Food” It’s not that I dislike cookies: it’s quite the contrary.  What I dislike is that I like cookies so much and thus eat WAY too many.   I could have photographed mushrooms today, but I dislike them so much I did not even want to take a picture of them.

26/365 Passion

26/365 Passion

Passion for Rehearsing” It feels good to say that there are many things in life that I am truly passionate about.  However, when it came time to address “passion” photographically, I wasn’t sure where to go with it.  I am passionate about teaching, about music, about knitting, and about photography.  I couldn’t decide how to create an image of any of those things that would intentionally convey the same level of passion that I feel for them. I had a…

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24/365 Cold

24/365 Cold

“One Down, One To Go” I would be lying if I said that I did not struggle with today’s picture.  A prompt of “cold” when it was 78 degrees, three degrees shy of an all-time record high in Dallas today, is tough.  The best I could do was a shot of the socks that I am working on.  The first one is done; hopefully number two will be done before our next cold streak.  Weber will be happy to have…

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23/365 Snuggle

23/365 Snuggle

“Just Trying to Help!” I know that I am very lucky that Weber is so supportive of my crazy obsession commitment to take a picture every day.  I didn’t realize that the dogs, too, were on that bandwagon. Today is my longest day of the week – school until 4:30 (though I got out a little early since today was the first day of my MW classes) and then choir rehearsal tonight.  I knew that I was going to be hard-pressed…

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22/365 Frozen

22/365 Frozen

“Frozen in Time” Those in other parts of the world definitely had an advantage when it came to finding something frozen to photograph today.   Last Tuesday we had snow on the ground; today it is sixty-five degrees and there is nothing frozen outside. Yesterday I discovered this snowman in our guest bath.  I missed him when I packed away the Christmas decorations a few weeks ago.  He represents a bit of Christmas frozen in time.

21/365 Equal

21/365 Equal

“Equality for All” Today we celebrate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the inauguration of Barack Obama to a second term as president of the United States.  Nearly forty years after King’s great speech, it is sad that we are still striving for the same things for people in this country – equality and respect for ALL people. It is certainly fitting that today’s prompt was “equal.”  I wanted to take a picture that had some…

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20/365 Playing

20/365 Playing

“Rock Music” “Playing” as a prompt offers endless possibilities.  However, this afternoon when I had the time to take pictures, all of my usual subjects were sound to sleep on the couch.  Neither Weber, the dogs or the cat were interested in any kind of playing.  If the prompt had been sleeping,  I would have been in business! I’m not sure how or why it got started, but there seems to be a “thing” on the CY365 site for photographing…

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19/365 Bright

19/365 Bright

“Brightly Colored Socks” I’m not sure that I had the right take on bright; I suspect that it was intended to have more to do with light than with color.  Oh well . . . Things don’t get much brighter than these socks.  I hand-dyed the yarn and then knit the socks.  They are some of my favorites!

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