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Category: Capture Your 365

38/365 Senses

38/365 Senses

“Inner Vision” Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes  doesn’t mean he lacks vision.”  – Stevie Wonder Of all the senses, I’m not sure why I chose to photograph sight, the weakest of my own senses.   I love food; taste would have been a fun capture.  With all of the noise makers in my world – dogs, cats, music – hearing would have been easy.  I thought about stopping at the store on my way home…

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36/365 Nap

36/365 Nap

“A Long Week Ahead” I thought today’s picture would be a piece of cake.  There is always some furry four-legged critter napping around here somewhere.  Harley is usually asleep on the couch.  Adidas is usually in Weber’s chair and Frankie is usually curled up in the divot that she has created for herself on the back of the chair in our bedroom.  I figured Frankie would be the easiest shot because she enjoys an afternoon nap with the sun shining…

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35/365 Beat

35/365 Beat

“Lifted Drum” “We lift our drums confidentlyor cautiouslyand begin to play loudlyor softlyWildlyor with reserveFrom the heartor from the headKnowing our place in the songor doubting ourselves.”

34/365 A Splash of Red

34/365 A Splash of Red

“Grading” I had  lot to do today to get all my ducks in a row for the upcoming school week.  I had told myself that I could not work on today’s photo until all of my real work was done.  I was OK with that because I wasn’t sure where I was going with the “splash of red” idea.  I didn’t want one of those trite Valentine’s Day candy shots like I have seen way too many of already. As…

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33/365 A Shadow

33/365 A Shadow

“Flying” I am envious of many of the folks on the Capture Your 365 forum because they have little ones at home to provide endless photo opportunities.  So when Erin came over with her rollerblades, I decided to take advantage of the situation and grab my camera.   Though the shadow is not the predominant feature in this picture, I love the angle that it creates with her body.  In fact, this image is all about angles.  I shot this…

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“Words of Wisdom” One of the nice things about teaching at the college level is that you can become friends with your students without being fired or arrested.  When this happens, I find that the learning is a two way street. One such student brought me this quote this week.  As someone who has been married longer than I have been alive,  I am going to trust her and Twain on this one!

31/365 On the Thirds

31/365 On the Thirds

“My Boots” Today’s task was to create an image that clearly illustrates the “rule of thirds.”  If your frame is divided into nine equal blocks, the interest in the photo should be at the intersection of a vertical and a horizontal line.  With a little imagination, this one works. As an added bonus, while shooting for today’s prompt, I also accomplished the second assignment for the online class that I am taking, which was to photograph “half”.  What’s up with…

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30/365 Faceless Portrait

30/365 Faceless Portrait

“Evening in the Park” I love silhouette shots though I have never taken any.  When I first saw the “faceless portrait” prompt earlier in the month, I decided that I wanted to try to take a silhouette.  What I failed to do was figure in some time to learn how to do it before today.  So, armed with little knowledge and little time, we headed to the park to give it a try.  I can say two things: 1) I…

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29/365 Circle

29/365 Circle

“Making Yogurt” Some days you just have to take the path of least resistance or simply go with the obvious.  This afternoon I was making our weekly ration of yogurt.  I should have done this two days ago but time got away from me and I didn’t get it done.  As I was pushing the “On” button, I was struck with how many circles were present in the yogurt maker.  The maker itself is round; the lids are round; the…

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