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Category: Capture Your 365

48/365 Color from the Garden

48/365 Color from the Garden

“Dandelion” Though the temperatures around here have been fairly mild during the month of February, it is still winter; nothing is blooming yet.  When I read today’s prompt, “color from the garden,” I knew that I was in for a challenge.  I figured the best I would be able to do was to photograph the bright red berries on the holly tree.  Ever optimistic, I decided to take a stroll around the yard.  As I suspected there wasn’t anything ….

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47/365 Emotion

47/365 Emotion

“Canine Bliss” Before the year is up (or maybe the month), everyone in my family is going to start running every time they see me heading toward them with my camera.  They are all fair game as far as I am concerned.  Today was Adidas’s turn.  He was so intent on chewing his bone, though, that he barely even noticed me. He did stop to give me one of “those looks.”

46/365 Pride

46/365 Pride

“Pride and Awareness” Erin, Edgar Weber and I (and anyone else who would like to join us) have formed a team to walk for the North Texas Walk for Lupus on March 30.  Erin is ready to start soliciting sponsors.  I’m proud to have her on my team every day!

45/365 Love

45/365 Love

“Words of Love” I am not one of those people who saves every card and letter that I get, though sometimes I wish I was. It’s not that I’m not sentimental; it’s that I don’t like all of the clutter.  I know, I know, I shouldn’t consider cards clutter.  I guess I am lucky to be able to say that through my lifetime I have received so many cards and letters that I honestly don’t know what I would do…

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44/365 Swing

44/365 Swing

“Never Too Old to Swing” Between this being a long teaching day for me followed by singing for the Ash Wednesday service tonight and then having choir rehearsal afterward, I did not even pick up my camera today.  This is the first day of Capture Your 365 that I fell completely short.  I knew it would happen.  How fortuitous that this failing occurred on the first day of Lent – something else for which me to repent. I posted this…

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42/365 Entertain

42/365 Entertain

“Juggling Life” We did no entertaining today nor did I have the time to set up a shot to give the illusion that we were entertaining anyone.  I took a little different perspective on today’s prompt.  Who isn’t entertained by a juggler?  I certainly am.  And this picture sums up our day pretty well . . .juggling life to the best of our ability.

41/365 In the Garage

41/365 In the Garage

“The Pink Jokester” Everybody has a pink flamingo in their garage, right?  Specifically, a pink wicker flamingo, right?  We’re not weird or anything.  The weird people are the ones who let their pink flamingos hang out in their front yards, right?  At least ours is in the garage. This pink flamingo, along with many other pink things, has become an icon of our remodeling process. She makes random appearances when a smile is necessary or when she is needed to help draw…

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40/365 Through the Looking Glass

40/365 Through the Looking Glass

“Through the Looking Glass” One of the goals of the is year’s Capture Your 365 Project is to include a self-portrait each month.  Not to be too blunt, but I hate this.  You may remember my thoughts on this last month.  Well, it wasn’t any easier this month.  When you are not one who is prone to looking decent in pictures even when a skilled photographer is taking them, it is highly unlikely that the results are going to be…

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39/365 More Than One

39/365 More Than One

“life is good” As is patently obvious, I was not inspired or creative today.  For the prompt “more than one” it is the more than one “life is good” coffee mugs that we use each day to drink our more than one cup of coffee.

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