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Category: Capture Your 365

58/365 Essential Equipment

58/365 Essential Equipment

“Reality :1, Creativity: 0 For Monday through Thursday, this is the essential equipment I need to get through the day – lesson plans, keys, name badge and a pencil.  I have accepted the fact that Wednesday’s photos are not going to be my most creative; however, this is as real as it gets.

57/365 From The Side

57/365 From The Side

“Handle On Life” What makes someone think that photographing an everyday door handle is a good idea or even an interesting idea?  When challenged to photograph something ” from the side,” most people would think profile – of a person.  I never said that my mind works in the same way as most people’s.  Or, for that matter, any people’s. I took this picture a few days ago, but intentionally for today’s prompt.  It is the handle, from the side,…

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56/365 A Cup Of . . .

56/365 A Cup Of . . .

“Measure Of Love” It is funny the things to which you find yourself drawn.  This tin measuring cup belonged to Weber’s mom.  Though I never knew her, I hear Weber’s stories, read recipes written in her hand and hold this measuring cup and somehow feel like maybe I do know her.  Both the blessing and the curse of marrying at fifty years old, plus or minus a few years, is that neither of us had to deal with mother-in-laws.  It…

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55/365 For The Love Of Music

55/365 For The Love Of Music

“This Is Why We Sing” Music has been a huge part of my life since I started taking piano lessons at age four.  (If you are calculating, that is 47 years.)  I am very fortunate to have a job teaching music theory.  Though there were so many ways that I could have approached this prompt, I knew immediately that my photo of the day would somehow include Resounding Harmony.  Singing with RH is, to me, what music is all about….

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54/365 Framed

54/365 Framed

“I’ve Been Framed” It is amazing how much you can get done on a Saturday when you get up at 6am!  We were up early because I had a 7:30 dentist appointment.  (This appointment was original at 9, but Erin needed an emergency root canal and rather than make her get up for the early time, I swapped with her.)  After we had both endured having our mouths tromped through, we went shopping for some accessories to go with her…

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53/365 Sweet Treat

53/365 Sweet Treat

“Truth In Advertising” I don’t know if the prompts this week aren’t inspiring or if my photos are just uninspired, but I am not feeling the photographic love right now.  Maybe this is because I have been at home for two days grading papers and doing laundry.  Perhaps I need to get out into the real world over the weekend.  Whatever the problem, I apologize for the less than exciting pictures. I may just be bitter about today’s prompt being…

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51/365 Look Up

51/365 Look Up

“Bubble Wrap and Chicken Wire” I have learned that Wednesdays are not days for me to expect anything good to come of my picture taking.  I have so little time for the things I need to do forget the things I want to do.  I was hurrying across campus this afternoon and first noticed the slim tree framed by the edges of two buildings.  Then I saw the “art” – I believe it is bubble wrap encased in chicken wire….

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50/365 A Tree

50/365 A Tree

“A Tree Begging To Be Noticed” I am fortunate to be able to walk the mile and a half to and from work (school) each day.  This way I get some exercise and am able to do a little to reduce my carbon footprint.  As I am walk, I am usually thinking about my destination – what do I need to do when I get to school or what is waiting for me when I get home.  On the edge…

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